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Guides and Totems

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eSky: Planet Wheel. The 'Planet Wheel' is a guide to the visibility of the planets in the sky. It shows the positions of the planets and the Moon, relative to the Sun. If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, you can download our interactive Planet Wheel app to check the locations of the planets for any date, using the classic Planet Wheel or a starmap display. Find out more...

The nearer a planet is to the Sun in the sky, the less visible it becomes, and planets that are very close to the Sun in the sky are only above the horizon during the day, and so cannot be observed at all. So, planets shown in brighter part of the Wheel, near the Sun, are hard or impossible to see. Conversely, planets opposite the Sun on the Wheel are above the horizon for most of the night.

Planets in the regions marked 'Sunrise' and 'Sunset' might be visible at those times, while those in the 'Morning' and 'Evening' zones will be more visible during those periods. Wolves - Animal Totem Photo Gallery - Wolf Totem is Keeper of Rituals. Meanings and Messages: guardian, call of the wild (howl), loyalty, night walker Wolf Wolves live in packs and have a strong sense of community.

They depend on one another for protection, food, and raising their young. As a totem, wolf can indicate a need or desire for family or tribe connections. Wolves have heightened sense of both smell and hearing, helpful tools that help with fine-tuning intuitions. Anyone with wolf medicine is aware of their keen intuitive abilities, or will soon be at a stage of realizing it. The wolf howls for many reasons, but primarily he howls because he loves the sound. People with wolf medicine are often lovers of the night and will burn the midnight hours. Transcendence - The Real Re-Awakening From The Matrix - Rodney Paradox. Event horizons in the conscienceness realm.

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