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Google Maps. AVEBURY a present from the past. Deepak Chopra: Michio Kaku Interview By Deepak Chopra. Michio Kaku interview on Deepak Chopra Wellness Radio-Sirius XM September 19, 2009 Deepak Chopra: My very special guest today is Dr. Michio Kaku and Dr. Kaku is a theoretical physicist and best-selling author and popular writer of science. He's the co-founder of string field theory which is a co-branch of string theory and continues Einstein's search to unite the four fundamental forces of nature into one unified field theory. Dr. MK: Deepak, it's a real honor to be on your show. DC: And you know we're going to talk about the unified field theory and we're also going to talk about of course your book towards the end of our show I want to ask you a few questions about the world of consciousness in nature.

MK: That's right. DC: What the basis for your book is, that if it does not violate the laws of mathematics or physics then it is in the realm of possibility, really? MK: That's right. DC: And therefore will at some point become technologies. MK: That's right. DC: (laughs) Okay. MK: Okay. Russian Scientists Study Microwaves and Hurricanes. This new technique for studying the way hurricanes move and finding out the amount of heat and moisture they carry to mid-latitudes and mid-high latitudes from the tropics has been in the works for the last seven or eight years.

Originally tested on the Albert Hurricane that wrought its havoc in the summer of 2000, this new technique is able to estimate the amount of water vapor absorbed by the tropical cyclone. How does this new technique developed by Russian scientists work? This new Russian software utilizes long-term data for building global radio-thermal fields of our planet and helps to synchronize satellite data in various radiation ranges. Satellite spectrometers observe the environment only in visual and ultra-violet light ranges, which means that they are unable to detect water vapor and can only study the upper layer of clouds systems that form the structure of tropical storms.

Radio frequencies can see far beyond the range of ordinary spectrometers. Chaîne de GlobalHealingCenter. The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft-Introduction. [astro-ph/0411199v1] Whole Earth Telescope observations of BPM 37093: a seismological test of crystallization theory in white dwarfs.