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12 Year Old Girl Paints Heaven, Unbelievable! Everything U Need to KNOW 'Scientist Confirm We Are Going Thru A Pole Shift' Chemtrails? Wat sproeien ze in hemelsnaam? NL ondertiteld. Ex burgemeester Peter Vereecke over Chemtrails en 2012. 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out : Colorado Public Television, KBDI 12 in Denver, Colorado. Solar Storm Warning 10. Solar Storm Warning 6. North Dakota Local News Covers 'Strange Sounds' Phenomenon - Jan. 2012. Wikileaks - NASA Nibiru Planet X leaked footage 2012. RUSSIAN TV - NIBIRU PLANET X IS REAL & APPROACING EARTH NASA IS LYING (FEBRUARY 2012) asteroidsurfin. STEREO-SOHO detected six coronal mass ejections. On Sept. 19th, the STEREO-SOHO fleet of spacecraft surrounding the sun detected six coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two of the clouds rapidly dissipated. The remaining four, however, are still intact and billowing through the inner solar system. Click to view a movie of their forecasted paths: According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, who prepared the movie, one CME should hit Mercury on Sept. 20th at 05:40 UT while another delivers a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Sept. 22th at 23:00 UT.

All impact times have an uncertainty of plus or minus 7 hrs. High-latitude sky watchers (on Earth) should be alert for auroras when the CME arrives. (SpaceWeather) Solar wind speed: 429.0 km/sec density: 1.3 protons/cm3 The Radio Sun10.7 cm flux: 141 sfu Planetary K-index Now: Kp= 3 quiet Interplanetary Mag. Two mid level C-Class flares took place early on Monday. Strong Geomagnetic Storm in Progress - strong compression of Earth's magnetosphere.

A strong-to-severe geomagnetic storm is in progress following the impact of a coronal mass ejection (CME) at approximately 12:15 UT on Sept. 26th. The Goddard Space Weather Lab reports a "strong compression of Earth's magnetosphere. Simulations indicate that solar wind plasma Solar wind speed: 681.4 km/sec density: 1.3 protons/cm3 The Radio Sun10.7 cm flux: 190 sfu Planetary K-index Now: Kp= 8 severe Interplanetary Mag. The fast Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that erupted from NOAA Active Region 1302 arrived this morning at 1237Z (8:37am Eastern Time). Alerts / BulletinsLatest Alert: Sep 26 1708 UTC WARNING: Geomagnetic K-index of 7 or greater expectedLast Advisory Bulletin: Sep 26 2100 UTC: Early Autumn Geomagnetic Storm Frequent updates on Just before 12:00 UTC Monday, the ACE Spacecraft detected a solar wind increase from 350 km/s to over 600 km/s.

Are You Ready? Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by Mexican Government in '2012' Doc. 2012 News and recent Information must watch. Sun storms 'could be more disruptive within decades' 18 August 2011Last updated at 20:11 By Judith Burns Science reporter, BBC News Solar storms may be more powerful at times of middling solar activity Within decades, solar storms are likely to become more disruptive to planes and spacecraft, say researchers at Reading University. The work, published in Geophysical Research Letters, predicts that once the Sun shifts towards an era of lower solar activity, more hazardous radiation will reach Earth. The team says the Sun is currently at a grand solar maximum. This phase began in the 1920s - and has lasted throughout the space age.

Mike Lockwood, professor of space environment physics at Reading, said: "All the evidence suggests that the Sun will shortly exit from a grand solar maximum that has persisted since before the start of the space age. "In a grand solar maximum, the peaks of the 11-year sunspot cycle are larger and the average number of solar flares and associated events such as coronal mass ejections are greater. Ice core data. 2011-THE POLE SHIFT IS REALLY HAPPENING NOW! Main Stream Media AGREES. Vijf vragen over de Bilderbergconferentie. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies. We maken een onderscheid tussen functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media.

De cookies bevatten geen persoonsgegevens en zijn dus niet tot een individu te herleiden. Met de cookies voor advertenties en social media worden mogelijk door derden gegevens verzameld buiten de websites van de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep. Bij instellingen kun je aangeven deze cookies niet te accepteren. Waarom cookies? De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies. Klik hier voor meer informatie over cookies en een overzicht van de sites waar je toestemming voor geldt. Cookie instellingen aanpassen? De cookie instellingen voor de websites van de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep zijn te allen tijde te wijzigen. Cookie-instellingen aanpassenAkkoord. Michio Kaku: Massive solar flare in the years 2012/2013 could throw us back 100 years. Michio Kaku UPDATE for 2011 and 2012:Are we all going to die? Solar Tsunami 2012. Gordon Michael Scallion's Future Maps, Intuitive Flash Newsletter and Metaphysical Moments Podcasts.

UN appoints ambassador to aliens to prepare for ONE WORLD RELIGION/GOVERNMENT/NEW WORLD ORDER. Royal de Belgique. 21:01:42 local time19:01:42 UTC(ROB) VLT ontdekt grootste gele hyperreuzenster Gepubliceerd op 12 maart 2014 Met ESO’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer is een ster opgespoord die de grootste gele ster blijkt te zijn die we kennen. Zij behoort zelfs tot de tien grootste sterren die tot nu toe zijn ontdekt. De hyperreus is meer dan 1300 keer zo groot als de zon en vormt, samen met een andere ster die zo dichtbij staat dat de twee elkaar raken, een dubbelstersysteem.

Dr. Meer info hierover op de ESO webpagina's. In de kijker: Planet Topers Gepubliceerd op 27 februari 2014 Planets: Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS is een Interuniversitaire attractiepool (IUAP), die de levensvatbaarheid in ons Zonnestelsel onderzoekt. Neem een kijkje op de website: De interuniversitaire attractiepolen worden gefinancierd door het Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid (BELSPO) Zaterdag 18 januari 2014, 21u20: Een heldere vuurbol boven Nederland en België.

NdxLocOut. 'Vierde ruiter van de Apocalyps bij rellen in Egypte' - Bizar. Riots in Cairo What could this flowing, pale green image be ?? Life Found Near Saturn? Vatican Holds Conference on Extraterrestrial Life November 6th to November 11th. NASA confirms: Aliens are among us. UFO Greatest Story Ever Denied - NASA space secrets. CNN Nasa 2012 Bullshit!/ TIMES UP!!!!! Part 2. The Ultimate Lies. Astronomers find evidence of 'cosmic climate change' A team of astronomers has found evidence that the universe may have gone through a warming trend early in its history. They measured the temperature of the gas that lies in between galaxies, and found a clear indication that it had increased steadily over the period from when the universe was one tenth to one quarter of its current age. This cosmic climate change is most likely caused by the huge amount of energy output from young, active galaxies during this epoch.

The researchers publish their results in a forthcoming paper in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "Early in the history of the universe, the vast majority of matter was not in stars or galaxies," University of Cambridge astronomer George Becker explains. "Instead, it was spread out in a very thin gas that filled up all of space. " The team, led by Becker, was able to measure the temperature of this gas using the light from distant objects called quasars.

How Can We Cope in a World of Rapid Change? > The Good News: July/August 2010. Do you feel bombarded with change from every direction? Do you feel stressed, overworked, with too little time to appreciate and enjoy life? Do you find it difficult to keep up with everything you need to do? If so, you're not alone. Our rapidly changing world is rapidly stressing us out. If you have children or grandchildren, chances are you can't help but notice what a different world they're growing up in compared to when you were their age. If you tell them what life was like when you were young, they may be astonished at how different things were "back then.

" Of course, we've come to expect that lifestyles are going to change somewhat from one generation to the next. They'll often note how our "slow" computer we get frustrated with today was considered a "fast" machine just a few years ago. Change now exploding exponentially It all underscores a vital point: While our world has always experienced change, the rate of change is speeding up.

More change than we can handle 1. 2. 3. 4. World Clock. Bird/Fish Deaths: "'Fireworks' - Are You Kidding Me?" "'Fireworks' - Are You Kidding Me? " by Mitch Battros "Since the highly published occurrence of 3,000 to 5,000 blackbirds falling to their death on January 1st 2011, more bird and fish mass suicides have occurred. Just yesterday, a new report telling of millions of dead fish surfaced in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay. On Tuesday, similar unexplained mass fish deaths occurred across the world in Brazil and New Zealand. On Wednesday, 50 birds were found dead on a street in Sweden.

The latest mass suicide is found in England where more than 40,000 Velvet swimming crabs have wound up dead on England beaches. So far the list of mass suicide events have taken place in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Maryland - then onto to Sweden, England, Brazil, and New Zealand. The above explanations is not conjecture or satire, it is factual "official statements" presented by area authorities such as the Parks and Wildlife Department. 1) Man-made. 2) The deaths were caused by a "natural occurrence".

2012: Leaks Found in Earth's Magnetic Field. 2012, Planet "X" - Michio Kaku on End of Days & Water on the Moon. Michio Kaku's warning for 2012. Terence Mckenna: 2012 Timewave Zero TV Show Sightings. Earth Changes Media - for the latest info on our changing earth. NASA: A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field. Did fireworks scare thousands of birds to death? - CTV News. Wildlife experts say New Year's Eve fireworks probably scared thousands of blackbirds, sending them into a frenzy, causing them to drop dead from the sky onto a small Arkansas town. Autopsies began Monday in laboratories in Arkansas, Georgia and Wisconsin, according to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, which is heading up the investigation. The tests showed lightning was probably not to blame and poisoning was ruled out early on. For now, investigators are saying the fireworks are the probable cause but they may never have the exact answer.

"They get some kind of loud noise that would spook them . . . and they don't generally fly at nighttime and they start crashing into each other," David Goad, Chief of the Wildlife Management division from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, told CTV News Channel Monday evening. Goad said the birds had severe internal trauma that formed blood clots that helped kill them. Many in the town called police, fearing the worst. Hulpverleners brand Moerdijk ziek | Je eigen gratis weblog, gratis fotoalbum, webmail, startpagina enz. 2012 phenomenon. Volcanoes of the World | Find a Volcano by Eruption Date. Forecasting, Tracking and Analyzing Global Trends | Trends Research Institute.