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OFFICIAL Camera Animation Tutorial [by stefan] - VRAYforC4D Offical Support Forum. Tutorials « Cinema 4d Tutorial. Character Texturing and Rendering. C4D Tutorials. Rigging an Animatable Cardboard Box in Cinema 4D using Joints & Xpresso. 9 Instant character UIs with the Character HUD and Visual Selector. Broadcast Yourself. Tutorials - Free Source of 3D Tutorials on Ltd. Cinema 4D And After Effects Training, Tutorials, and Plugins for Motion Graphic Designers. Congratulations to Michael Rinnan for winning the Five Second Project for March. His entry had a great concept and was outfitted with excellent lighting, atmosphere, camera movements and sound design.

We wanted to know a little bit more about Michael’s entry, so we asked him a few questions regarding his workflow and the process for creating his winning piece. Where do you work? What is your title? Tell us about what you do at your company. I am a 3D generalist at NFL films in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. How did you come up with your concept for the Bright Lights Five Second Project? For my concept, my goal was to come up with a quick story I could tell in 5 seconds. What was the most challenging thing about your project? The most challenging part of this project was honestly the lighting. Tell us a little about how you achieved the zolly (push-pull zoom) effect. What renderer was used? For this animation I used Cinema’s standard renderer to save time. How long did your piece take to make? Cinema4D School - Cinema4D School. ‪C4D R13 : Character Animation Tool.