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Who here loves festivals with their hammocks?! I'm a mod over at /r/hammocks and I've been focused on creating a better hammock for festivals. The Elevated Movement: 100% recycled hammocks with vibrant, custom-printed designs, made 100% in the USA. And fo. Vortices in hot plasma, not in real space, but in phase-space. : Physics. US Military Tracks GMO Campaigners and Independent Scientists. The largest German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung has today published a shocking article that reveals how Monsanto, the US Military and the US government track both anti-GMO Campaigners and Independent Scientists who study the dangers of GMOs.

In a very detailed article the Süddeutsche Zeitung journalists reveal information on how the US Government “advances the interests of their corporations” using Monsanto as an example. Read The Full Article Here in English The article states: “It is noticeable that anyone who criticizes Monsanto has their life made very difficult or an invisible hand ends their careers. But who is this Anyone? Targets are scientists such as the Australian Judy Carman. “That Monsanto is interested in the studies, is understandable for Dr. Follow Sustainable Pulse on Facebook Here There is much more detail to come from this landmark German journalistic investigation – we at Sustainable Pulse will keep you up-dated over this weekend! Dr. Dr. Eric Weinstein's answer to Gauge Theory: How does gauge theory apply to economic models and indices. 4 Ways to Solve a Rubik's Cube (Easy Move Notation) First LayerMiddle LayerLast layerNotations Edited by NatK, Krystle, Mimi, BohemianWikipedian and 59 others The Rubik's Cube can be very frustrating and may seem next to impossible to restore to its original configuration.

However, once you know a few algorithms, it is very easy to solve. The method described in this article is the layer method: we first solve one face of the cube (first layer), then the middle layer, and finally the last layer. Ad Steps Method 1 of 4: First Layer 1Familiarize yourself with the Notations at the bottom of the page.Ad 2Choose one face to start with. Method 2 of 4: Middle Layer 1Place the four edges of the middle layer. Method 3 of 4: Last layer 1Permute the corners.

Method 4 of 4: Notations 1This is the key to the notations used.The pieces that compose the Rubik's Cube are called Cubies, and the color stickers on the Cubies are called facelets.There are three types of Cubies: The centers (or center pieces), at the center of each face of the Cube. Tips Practice. VPython. Secret Entrance into the Louvre Museum | Le Michaux. Louvre at Night The lines to get into the Louvre can ruin the Museum experience, that is why the Porte des Lions is so helpful.

The main entrance into the Louvre is located at the giant glass pyramid, however there are several other ways to enter. The best entrance into the Louvre is the Porte des Lions entrance. From this entrance you can buy your tickets, enter into the museum and have the shortest route to the Italian Renaissance painting section. When I do Private Tours of the Louvre I always enter in by this door. To get there: The Porte des Lions is in the SouthWestern wing of the Louvre just before the Jardin des Tuileries.

If you’re at the Louvre with your back to the Pyramid and facing the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel (the little Arc de Triomphe) walk across the street, under the Arch and then turn to your left. Like this: Like Loading... Daniel Dennett, Author of ‘Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking’ Mr. Dennett, the co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University and perhaps America’s most widely read (and debated) living philosopher, recently sold the Xanthippe, his 42-foot cruiser, named for Socrates’ reputedly shrewish wife. But he still had his boat shoes, his Darwin-esque beard, and an eagerness to demonstrate his sail-handling skills while discussing his 16th book, “Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking,” which W.

W. Norton is publishing next week. Never mind that the boathouse’s fleet was unexpectedly confined to shore, thanks to a temporary shutdown of river traffic. And never mind that the boats lacked a boom crutch, the piece of nautical equipment that Mr. Dennett uses in the book as a punning name for the kind of faulty thinking tool that blows up in (mostly other) philosophers’ faces.

Sailing was still an apt illustration of the kind of empirically minded problem-solving that Mr. These days, Mr. The mind? The self? Human beings, Mr. Mr. Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution (9780199264377): Ray Jackendoff. GBA mod. Best bar in the world. What food do I have to try before I die? : AskReddit.

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