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Texture Packs. Default versus JoliCraft in the center A texture pack was a collection of files that was used to change the in-game textures of blocks, items, mobs and the GUI. They were zip files that had various PNG images in them and a pack.txt. The native resolution of Minecraft's textures were 16×16 (measured pixels in block height and width). 32×32, 64×64, 128×128, 256×256, 512×512, and 1024x1024 textures were referred to as 'HD.' Any texture could be animated in 1.5.x. All PC versions of Minecraft prior to 1.6.1 supported custom textures, although old versions (Alpha 1.2.2 or earlier) required the modification of the minecraft.jar file. Versions prior to 1.5 required a patch/mod, such as MCPatcher or OptiFine, for HD packs and animated textures. Texture packs could be read without being in a .zip file, which allowed the use of the "texture pack reloading" key (which was F3 + T).

In 1.6.1, texture packs were replaced by resource packs. [edit] Installing a texture pack [edit] Installation tips. [8X 16X 32X 64X 128X 256X 512X] [1.0.0 & 1.0.1 Pre-release] Texture Pack Templates. Everything was updated to 1.0.0! Finally! I'm finishing the mobs, GUI, and all the rest as you read this Saving your texture pack: ______________________________________________________________________________________ To extract .rar files, you need one of these programs: 7-zip (Windows) Better Zip 2 (Macintosh) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Help spreading the word!

[url=" Creative Commons License: .psd Templates for Minecraft Tex Packs by epixpivotmaster (or vinivite) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Special Thanks! OtavioM- For helping me with some names for the blocks and psicological motivation! Quote Update 9/9/2011 550 Downloads! Update 9/23/2011 Woah, 2467 downloads already! Update 9/24/2011 Update 10/16/2011 Update 11/29/2011. 1] OptiFine HD_A4 (FPS Boost, HD Textures, AA, AF) HD Textures Minecraft 1.5 and above comes with general support for HD textures. OptiFine fixes many bugs, adds support for new features and fixes the performance of larger texture packs.

Custom Animations Minecraft 1.5 and above supports animations for blocks and items (info). OptiFine additionally enables the animation of all other textures. To create a custom animation for any texture in the game create a ".properties" file in the anim/ folder of your texture pack. In it, supply the source and destination texture, along with coordinates of the area you wish to animate. From=/anim/mypainting.pngto=/art/kz.pngx=0y=0w=16h=16 - "from" is the location of the custom animation. - "to" is the texture you wish to animate. - "x, y, w, h" are the coordinates of the rectangular area of the destination texture. The source texture should be a vertical strip of separate frames. Each custom animation may specify its animation speed and frame order. tile.X=Yduration.X=Z width. palette.block. palette.block. 1.0] GLSL Shaders (DoF, Bump Mapping, Waving Wheat, Dynamic Shadows, and More!)

Works with 1.3.1 (Be sure to download the newest installer!) Do not post questions here about your problems if you haven't read this post and haven't checked out the wiki. If you ask a stupid question, I will give you a stupid answer. I don't expect you to know everything about this mod or Java or GLSL but I expect you to use common sense. That means if you get an error in the install log, you need to copy and paste it here. Don't just say "the install log says fail". The heart this mod simply sets up custom GLSL shaders for rendering in a flexible deferred shading pipeline.

Check it out! Even if depth-of-field isn't for you, there are endless possibilities with GLSL shaders. Waving wheat, world curvature, and toon shader (video by Yourself): Parallax occlusion and specular mapping: These videos were made with a previous version of this mod. The new version of the mod does not yet include anti-aliasing options. The mod works nicely with most other mods (including Optifine). Dynamic Shadows. 1.0] Water Shader alpha v4d. Hello, Just cause I was asked, I barely find time to check my private messages at the moment. I have updated to 1.2.5 and removed the surface effects of the previous version. (If you like them simply use the shader folder of the previous version instead of the new one.)

I have fixed a bug with the water surface effect in v5b. I decided to call this version 5, since I have added a few surface effects. If you don't like them, there is an option to disable them via the config file (Surface effects (on/off) parameter). Alpha v5 screenshot: Older screenshots: Spoiler: Alpha v4 screenshot: Alpha v3 screenshot: Alpha v2 screenshots: Alpha preview screenshot: WIP screenshots: Pre-alpha screenshots: Downloads: 1.2.5: Version 5b*:Download Direct download:Download Version 5b for modloader (requires a modloader installation)*:Download Direct download:Download Version 5b*:Download Direct download:Download Version 5b for modloader (requires a modloader installation)*:Download Direct download:Download v4: by Cheetah7Z: [32X] [1.0.0] LAST DAYS. Information Rewriting! GUI: 100% Complete Environment: 100% Complete Particles: 100% Complete Mobs: 100% Complete Terrain: 99% Complete Art: 99% Complete Armor: 95% Complete Items.Png: 99% Complete Items(boat,sign etc): 95% Complete Origin LAST DAYS was a texture pack started by Doku (creator of the ever popular RPG pack).

The Original Thread by Doku The Second Thread by History Objective The goal of LAST DAYS is to take doku's brilliant foundational work and bring it to its logical conclusion; a full scale, game changing, texture and sound overhaul which takes full advantage of the existing mechanics of minecraft and brings them into a post apocalyptic setting. Planned Features 1. (More to come)

Glimmar's Steampunk v3.5 [32X] [1.0] Animated Cogs & Alchemy at Work in a Dark Victorian Industrial World + RandomMobs & NEW Custom Colours & Lighting. (1.1) Dokucraft, The Saga Continues. (32x) Yeah I'd like to join in on this. I'm not 100% great at doing texturework, but I'm working on the Iron Armor at the moment.

I spent a good 1-2hrs last night studying Doku's techniques, (Which is mainly lighting) and I believe I've got it down pretty good. Here's a screenshot of what I have so far, and it isn't much, but any suggestions/critique is welcome. It's been a long time since I've seriously done pixel art. There's some adjusting that needs to be done on it, example: the eyeholes need to be moved up by a pixel, and I need to trim the faceplate "Cheekbones" back a bit farther. I'm going for a skull look for the helmet, the rest will follow a standard style. (EDIT: I'd love to add that, you can use Doku's original tiles as a color palette/template. [Edit: It'll be easier if the textures that people do work on are in the base "Light" pack first, and the "High" and "Dark" packs come later, since they either only change color or contrast, or add in a small detail.

[Update! (9/22)] [1.8] Bordercraft ver.1.8. [16x16][1.1] SineCraft v1.0.1 - 2.12.2012. v1.1.1 - 3.4.2012 I've fixed jungle saplings, which were incorrect in v1.1.0 due to an oversight on my part. Thanks to xiondiscthree for pointing this out! v1.1.0 - 3.3.2012 SineCraft is now compatible with the Minecraft 1.2.x update, including 1.2.3. All of the new blocks and items have been added.

I have also changed the signature code, so please update your SineCraft sigs! v1.0.1 - 2.12.2012 This update fixes Redstone Wire. v1.0.0 - 2.7.2012 Minecraft v1.1 is out, and SineCraft has been updated accordingly. v14 Pre-Release 4 -- 12.25.2011 //Pre-Release 4: In this release several textures have had small tweaks. v13 -- MAJOR UPDATE Minecraft 1.0.0 Gold is finally here, and now there's a SineCraft pack to match it!

v12.1 -- MINOR UPDATE -- 9.14.2011 With v12.1, I have added a SineCraft-style food bar. v12 -- MAJOR UPDATE -- 9.14.2011 Minecraft Beta 1.8 is here, and a new SineCraft update has been created to match! v10 -- MAJOR UPDATE -- 7.4.2011 Happy 4th of July! Jolicraft Customizer. Kakariko Village Texture Pack. Home of The Minecraft Painterly Pack.