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Homemade Deodorant: Make your armpits happy! The first time I heard the phrase “homemade deodorant” I’m pretty sure I laughed.

Homemade Deodorant: Make your armpits happy!

And rolled my eyes. And had all sorts of “she’s crazy!!!” Thoughts going through my head. I mean, seriously? How weird can you get? Funny how things change. A troubled start… The first time I made my own homemade deodorant I’m pretty sure I laughed then, too. But truthfully, my first experience with homemade deodorant was painful. I was told that some people have this problem and to give it time for my skin to adjust. Total failure. That’s why I’m so excited to share this recipe with you… in case you also have sensitive skin and need a little TLC from your homemade deodorant.

Why homemade deodorant? Like so many other cosmetics, several of the ingredients used in most deodorants and antiperspirants are not so good for you. Aluminum – This is the primary ingredient in most stuff you’ll buy at the store. Do you really want to put this stuff on your body? Homemade Probiotic Deodorant – That Really Works! Probiotics.

Homemade Probiotic Deodorant – That Really Works!

A buzzword within the natural health community. And rightfully so! Most health conscious individuals understand the positive effects on digestion that come from using probiotic foods and supplements. In fact, the benefits of ingesting probiotics have been well researched and the craze is taking over. If you haven’t already heard of fermented foods, kefir, and kombucha you will soon. Likewise, as the known benefits of probiotics are now expanding into mainstream culture, new research is showing remarkable promise for the use of this “good bacteria” in topical remedies.

Emerging thoughts include the idea that probiotics can actually help improve the balance of bacteria on your skin, very similar to the way they are known to improve the balance of bacteria in your digestive system. Our skin is the largest organ in our body. This is part where we transition into what all of this means for our underarms (smile).

Homemade Probiotic Deodorant Ingredients Method 1. 2. 3. Notes. Essential Oil Deodorant Recipes: How to Make Natural Deodorant. Homemade deodorants. I follow Dr Mercola.

Homemade deodorants

He's a wise doctor with good advise most of the time, but he's barking up the wrong tree when he says that just keeping clean will make it so that a deodorant isn't needed. Soap and water seem to keep the rest of my body odor-free but when it comes to the armpits - forget it. I started having this stinky problem around age 12, prior to hitting puberty. I didn't notice at first but my parents certainly did. Healthy vegan blog » deodorant. In July I posted a recipe for the deodorant that I use and promised to post the extra strength recipe that I make for my very active husband.

healthy vegan blog » deodorant

This deodorant works super well for him. 4 tablespoons distilled water4 tablespoons witch hazel4 tablespoons aloe gel (not jelly, the kind that is drinkable, but not juice)1 teaspoon vegetable glycerine2 teaspoon baking soda18 drops patchouli essential oil12 drops eucalyptus essential oil12 drops tea tree essential oil12 drops lavender essential oil6 drops of bergamot essential oil Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle (preferably glass). Spray generously on your armpits, rub in with your hands, and apply one more squirt for good measure. Allow to dry before dressing. deodorant, homemade In my quest toward more natural, safe, and environmentally friendly products, I have tried countless natural deodorants, but I never found any that worked to my satisfaction. Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle (preferably glass). Healthy vegan blog » Homemade Deodorant Recipe That Works!

In my quest toward more natural, safe, and environmentally friendly products, I have tried countless natural deodorants, but I never found any that worked to my satisfaction.

healthy vegan blog » Homemade Deodorant Recipe That Works!

I am embarrassed to admit that up until May of this year, I was using Suave spray antiperspirant (probably one of the worst for my health and the environment). Since your body is supposed to sweat to cool down and release toxins, it seems kinda dumb to try to stop it from sweating so I wanted to make a deodorant (not antiperspirant) that kept me smelling good all day.

This is the winning formula, I have been using it since May 26, and I promise it works! 2 tablespoons distilled water2 tablespoons witch hazel2 tablespoons aloe gel (not jelly, the kind that is drinkable, but not juice)1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerine1/2 teaspoon baking soda10 drops lavender essential oil3 drops eucalyptus essential oil3 drops tea tree essential oil3 drops sweet orange essential oil.