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Giant New Wasp Bites and Stings. If you think stinging insects in your garden are big, consider Dalara garuda, a newly identified wasp that's five times bigger than most other wasps, according to a recent Natural History Museum, Berlin, press release.

Giant New Wasp Bites and Stings

You can see the size difference in the above picture. NEWS: Ladybugs Taken Hostage by Wasps. New Species Thrive in Mekong : Video. Species Discovered in Papua New Guinea : Video. New Monkey and American Bird Species Found. (Monkey belonging to the Callicebus genus recently discovered in the northwest of Mato Grosso State, Brazilian Amazon; Credit: Júlio Dalponte) This has been a great week for animal discoveries.

New Monkey and American Bird Species Found

A unique new primate was recently found in the Amazon and, for the first time in decades, the United States has a new bird species.