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Arthur Joseph Vito Cruz

Book%20of%20Five%20Rings%20-%20Musashi. AIKIKAI FOUNDATION. Hagakure.pdf. Online Film and Media Studies Journals. Film-Philosophy. Leisure. Viewcontent. PiEB_SPRING_2010. Labor, Leisure, and Liberal Education. In support of this thesis, that liberal education is to be understood in terms of leisure, I should like to proceed in the following order: first, to make some approximations to a definition of liberal education in terms of leisure; second, to try to reach a deeper understanding of the significance of this definition by examining more closely the distinctions between work or labor, on the one hand (I shall use the words "work" and "labor" interchangeably), and leisure, on the other; and, third, to draw from this analysis some implications or consequences for the place of liberal education in an industrial democracy like ours.

Labor, Leisure, and Liberal Education

Let me begin where anyone has to begin—with a tentative definition of education. Education is a practical activity. It is concerned with means to be employed or devised for the achievement of an end. This simple distinction leads us to differentiate between specialized education and general education. One-third is sleep. Adler On Leisure.