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Chorba beida – chorba blanche d’Alger au poulet. 300g de blancs de poulet (vous pouvez ajouter des os pour parfumer) 2 oignons 1 c.a.c. de cannelle poivre noir au moulin 50g de riz rond ou encore mieux de riz à risotto sel beurre ou huile d'olive persil 1l d'eau 300g de pois chiches cuits (cuisez-les à part ou prenez des pois chiches en boîte bien égouttés et rincés) quartiers de citron pour le service chorba beida la soupe blanche au poulet d’Alger Coupez le poulet en cubes d’1cm. hachez les oignons. Faites revenir oignons et poulet à l’huile d’olive dans une cocotte. Salez, poivrez, ajoutez la cannelle et le bouillon.

Laissez cuire à couvert à petit bouillon pendant 10mn. Ajoutez le riz et laissez cuire encore 15mn. Ajoutez les pois chiches et laissez encore cuire 5mn. Pendant ce temps hachez le persil. Quand la chorba beida est prête, servez dans des bols, parsemez de persil et accompagnez d’un quartier de citron. Genre : soupes Voir aussi ces autres recettes : How to make perfect mayonnaise. Commercially produced mayonnaise bears about as much resemblance to the homemade sauce of the same name as instant coffee does to a single-estate espresso pre-treated by civet cats. It's like an oven chip, or a jar of pesto – perfectly acceptable when needs must, as long as no one's pretending it's anything like the real thing. Even the proudest fans of this pallidly gelatinous product can't deny that, however fancy the label, it can't cut the mustard when it comes to basic tasks like slipping silkily over some Jersey Royals, or partnering a plump brown crab.

The jar I have in front of me, the own-brand of a terribly respectable supermarket, lists 10 ingredients, including wheat glucose-fructose syrup and colouring. Real mayonnaise requires just three: egg yolks, oil and vinegar. Mayonnaise is an emulsion of oil in water (egg yolks being half water). Classic method As my control mayonnaise, I'm using Michel Roux's recipe – he's French, after all, and he seems to know his eggs. The yolks. Algerian Cuisine Cuisine Algerienne by Farid ZADI. When I first wrote about lamb mechoui five years ago, there were only a handful of posts about it on the internet. A recent Google search for lamb+mechoui shows about 30,700 results, including lamb mechoui for Easter and leftover Easter lamb rehashed as a tagine the next day.

I like authenticity, but I know cuisines adapt all the time. Cuisines are like cultures: moving targets. And the fact of the matter is, people immigrate to different countries all the time and they adapt recipes from the homeland to new ingredients and kitchens. They don't starve while waxing nostalgic about authenticity. My parents left Algeria in the 1960's for Lyon, France where I was born. Lamb mechoui is roasted or bbq lamb. For the First Annual Couscous Festival, Ronnie Gilman (my former student and friend) drove all the way to Texas to buy a custom smoker for our whole lamb mechoui. After smoking overnight, the lamb was falling off the bone tender.

One of my general assistants hails from Sinaloa, Mexico. Les Casseroles de Nawal. Recettes cuisine pied-noir : les recettes de Christophe Certain.