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QR Codes

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Blog - Tracez les performances de vos QR Codes. Le QR code on en parle beaucoup, on en voit beaucoup aussi, mais cela reste encore un grand mystère pour certains. Cependant je ne compte pas vous expliquer les bases du QR Code car il existe de très nombreux articles pertinents à ce sujet. Enfin bon comme je suis un gars plutôt gentil je vous conseille un cours de rattrapage ici et aussi plus récemment avec mon confrère MyCMien Kevin Dicop pour Orange: QR Code, chocolat et zest d’Orange.

Vous l’aurez facilement remarqué, les QR Codes sont un petit bijou de marketing qui ne datent pas d’aujourd’hui… et oui faîtes comme moi et crânez en expliquant que ça a été créé en 1994 par un japonais (ceci dit je ne garantis rien concernant cette anecdote de geek si elle est utilisée dans un processus de séduction). En effet c’est un support technique très polyvalent que l’on peut utiliser de manière créative.

Vous pouvez d’ailleurs consulter quelques bonnes pratiques du QR Code dans la Pub. Pourquoi je parle d’action et non de lien internet ? Americans: Y'All Love QR Codes. Forget the bad press, the QR code seems like such a clever idea: Like a smarter barcode for the 21st century, it hooks up through your smartphone or computer's camera to some code that reads it, and translates its spotty pattern into a URL, or a phone number, or a passage of text, or a digital business card--all instantaneously. They've been used all over the globe for ages, but the tech is having a moment in the U.S.

Check out Victoria's Secret's new "Sexier Than Skin" ad campaign--I bet it already grabbed your eye. It's new, undeniably clever, certain to tempt many a viewer into trying QR codes in a way that perhaps no other ad ever has, and it's so "meta" (with the tech itself acting as part of the visual joke) it's hard to imagine the ad campaign working any other way. Then check out the odd news from a recent survey by Vizibility Inc. of legal professionals in the U.S. in July and August. There's one simple reason for this: The smartphone revolution. QR Codes 2011. Lately I’ve seen QR (quick response) codes popping up everywhere.

They are being used as a marketing tool for businesses, ticketing, labeling, and even as wall decorations in the Lab42 office. When scanned on a smartphone, these 2D barcodes can direct you to a website, text or phone number. My colleagues and I at Lab42 wanted to find out if people were just scanning these codes with their eyes or if they were stopping to scan them with their phones. And if they were stopping, what makes certain codes so scan-worthy? Lab42 surveyed 500 Americans over the age of 13 to discover where people saw QR codes, how they were using them, and why they were scanning (or not).

Click to enlarge About the Survey This survey was conducted online via social networks from July 28 to August 1, 2011 among 500 social media users. Article by Sara Hi, I'm Sara! Who's Really Scanning All Those QR Codes? QR codes are everywhere these days — in fine art exhibits, some cities' building permits, wrapping paper and every imaginable kind of marketing campaign. QR code-focused startup JumpScan was kind enough to send along a graphically organized representation of some data they've gathered about QR codes — who's scanning them, what kinds of devices they're using and what brands are running QR code campaigns. Cooler still, you can scan every QR code in this infographic to get more info, making this Mashable's first interactive infographic.

So have your smartphones at the ready, and click the image below if you need to see a larger version. When you're done clicking, scanning and learning, riddle us this in the comments section: When was the last time you scanned a QR code, and what did you get out of it? Image courtesy of JumpScan. Top 14 Things Marketers Need to Know About QR Codes - Search Engine Watch (SEW) I recently spoke at SES New York on best practices for mobile marketing with QR codes. Here's a follow-up crash course on tools, tactics, and best practices to confidently help you jumpstart a 2D barcode marketing campaign. 1.

A QR Code is a 2D Barcode QR codes are an encoded barcode image resembling a square-like maze. Unlike a 1-dimensional UPC code, a 2-dimensional barcode stores data in both directions and can be scanned vertically or horizontally to be decoded. 2. 2D Barcodes Can Store a Variety of Data A traditional 1D barcode (UPC/EAN) stores up to 30 numbers, while a 2D barcode (QR) can store up to 7,089 numbers. TextHyperlinkTelephone number (Phone call)SMS/MMS messageEmail (Send message)Contact entry (vCard or meCard)Calendar entry (vCalendar) Storing a hyperlink presents a myriad of possibilities beyond just loading a web page -- play a video, download a mobile app, check-in on Foursquare, update a Twitter status, "Like" a Facebook page, display map directions, and more. 3. 5. 6.

15 Creative QR Codes [PICS] Un supermarché virtuel à base de QR Code : le carton de Tesco. En Corée du Sud, un concept de supermarché virtuel imaginé par Tesco se transforme en opération permanente et révolutionne la distribution. Retour en quelques points sur les étapes de la campagne. Il était une fois… Une marque Home Plus, une chaîne de supermarchés détenue à 94% par le géant de la distribution britannique Tesco. A l’origine basée en Grande Bretagne, l’enseigne s’était exportée en Corée du Sud à la fin des années 90.

Elle y détient à ce jour 113 magasins. Un objectif Tesco avait dépassé le stade de l’implantation sur un marché étranger, Home Plus étant positionné comme le deuxième plus grand distributeur en Corée du Sud. Un but pour le moins précis, donc : accéder au leadership et dépasser son concurrent, E-Mart. Des observations Tesco commence alors à réfléchir à une campagne qui lui permettrait de devenir leader en Corée du Sud. Une idée Une campagne Des résultats Pendant la campagne: 600 000 applications téléchargées.10 000 visites de mobinautes sur le site web de Home Plus. A Slightly Nerdy, But Awesome Way to Share Event Photos | Apartment Therapy Unplggd. We just found a clever way to use Dropbox to share photos from everyone at event parties.

Sure, you could settle for Facebook's highly compressed photos, or you could have them all so you can pick and choose what photos belong in your own collection. Step 1: Use Google Docs to create a form that asks for everyone's e-mail. Grab the URL. You'll need this to... Step 2. Step 3: Create a Dropbox folder for the event photos. Step 4: Post the QR code on a large poster at the party, stating it'll be used to collect e-mails and give access to all the photos taken here tonight.

Step 5: Use the collected e-mails from the Google Form to send invites to the shared Dropbox folder. Of course, there are a few issues here that we will quickly acknowledge. We gave it a run at a recent local tech meetup and it was a huge success. Let us know if this method works for you or if you have a better variation of it! HOW TO: Use QR Codes for Event Marketing. Matthias Galica is CEO of ShareSquare. Via a self-serve mobile web app CMS and QR codes, the ShareSquare platform enhances real world promotions for artists, agencies & brands.

Mashable readers can sign up for the private beta for free by clicking here. He will also be presenting on topic of QR code adoption at the Where 2.0 Conference. Nearly every year since 1994 has been hyped as the year that QR codes pierce the mainstream, but in 2011 the hubbub is finally reaching a fever pitch. This is thanks to a confluence of factors: Critical mass in smartphone penetration, a large installed base of many barcode-scanning apps, and an approaching social tipping point of awareness. Combine this with the fact that enhancing real world promotions in music, film and brand marketing is among the best applications of this technology, and next month’s SXSW has the potential to be the breakout event for QR codes in America.