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Sean Gardner sur Twitter : "#Instagram & #Snapchat more important for young Americans than Twitter #infographic #marketing. Young Americans Haven't Abandoned Facebook (Yet) More than once in the past few years have we heard that young people are losing interest in Facebook.

Young Americans Haven't Abandoned Facebook (Yet)

That Snapchat, Instagram and others have long surpassed the social networking behemoth in terms of their appeal to the young tech crowd, and that teenagers are leaving Facebook in droves. However, there is little evidence of the alleged teen exodus. According to data published by Edison Research and Triton Digital, Facebook is still the most commonly used social networking service among young Americans, with 74% of those aged 12 to 24 logging in at least occasionally. Stage-Marketing.pdf. Guitardjf : Une coulée de lave dans un... Beyoncé bouscule les règles du marketing digital. Cette nuit, Queen B a bousculé son monde en dévoilant un album inattendu.

Beyoncé bouscule les règles du marketing digital

Et l’air de rien, elle a donné une leçon de marketing à l’industrie musicale. Capture d’écran du teaser de “Superpowers” Alors que la majorité des artistes annoncent leurs albums à coups de teasers, singles, tracklists, images et pochettes, la reine du R’n'B a décidé de prendre le contre-pied de cette méthode en mettant directement sur iTunes son cinquième album, sobrement intitulé Beyoncé.


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