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Mail Marketing : le dossier. Guerrilla Mail. Email Newsletter Software for Web Designers. e3 Software : Direct Mail : Home. Breeze - Create and send amazing email campaigns. 50 Email Templates to Enhance your Newsletter’s Appeal. From the old fashion telegraph, fax and snail mail, e-mail or electronic mail has indeed replaced and innovated this generation’s communication through the fast and hi-tech way of reaching our loved ones no matter how far they are.

50 Email Templates to Enhance your Newsletter’s Appeal

Although there are some people who still prefers the former from the latter, email has gained the majority’s approval. Through the years of using email, it has indeed caught the idea of some webmasters to create email templates that will somehow take interest in not only conveying information but creating a nice presentation as well. All throughout the web, various email templates are continuously circulating and is somehow attracting the interest of email marketers, promoters and some bloggers who can easily identify the possible attraction a good email template can create. As an initial offering, 50 Appealing Email Templates is presented in this next post, showcasing several unique and cool email templates. Mad Mimi Email Marketing :

Email Viewing Habits: Where Do You Read Your Email? [Infographic] Litmus, a company that tracks and tests email campaigns has taken a close look at where people are viewing their email.

Email Viewing Habits: Where Do You Read Your Email? [Infographic]

The stats, at least according to Litmus, provide some interesting insights into email habits. Outlook is still king, Webmail is in sharp decline, and Google Chrome is gaining share very rapidly. The comparison is from July 2010 to July 2011.