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City 2.0

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7scenes | Connect your story to the city! City branding. Marketing urbain en Europe. « Depuis le lancement de la politique de marque, HMG affine la stratégie de marketing en précisant ses objectifs, les groupes cibles et les canaux de communication. Elle conçoit et développe de nombreux outils globaux de communication - brochures, films de promotion et parcours de découverte, etc. » s’enthousiasme sur son blog le directeur de l’Attractivité Durable des Territoires de la région Île de France [1].

Devinette : Mais de quoi parle donc notre expert, au titre baroque ? Il ne s’agit pas de la promotion de la nouvelle formule de Libération, ni du lancement de la prochaine campagne d’éco-blanchiment de Yann Arthus-Bertrand. C’est pourtant bien de marketing qu’il s’agit ; et plus précisément de « marketing urbain ». Une telle approche du développement urbain a de quoi surprendre.

. « L’enjeu, explique le blog [5], consiste à attirer les hommes et les capitaux pour conforter leur croissance ». Mais derrière ces slogans, la réalité est souvent beaucoup moins rose. Les éco-centres 2.0 : nouvelle approche green du travail ? Après les réseaux intelligents d’électricité (smart grid) et d’eau (smart water), les bâtiments intelligents (smart building) ou encore la mobilité intelligente (covoiturage, autopartage…), voici le travail intelligent ! Face aux enjeux environnementaux, l’organisation du travail dans les villes pourrait être profondément transformée avec l’arrivée des éco-centres 2.0. Cette nouvelle génération de télécentres, également connue sous l’appellation Smart Work Center, repose sur des lieux de travail partagé, proches des bassins d’habitation, offrant un panel de services et d’équipements mutualisés. Connectés au très haut débit, équipés de salles de téléprésence, ces éco-centres 2.0 visent à décongestionner le trafic urbain et à réduire l’empreinte carbone des villes.

La France se penche sur les écocentres Développés en réseau, ces nouveaux centres de travail sont l’une des briques de la construction de villes durables. Smart Work Center ? Comment fonctionnent ces fameux Smart Work Centers ? Index ranks ICT-savvy cities by benefit for citizens. Ericsson and Arthur D. Little's latest Networked Society City Index ranks cities in terms of their ability to use ICT to benefit their citizens Top-ranking cities Seoul, Singapore and Stockholm show the benefits of engaging a society as a whole London, New York, Paris, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Shanghai and Beijing complete the top 10 ICT-based applications such as e-government and smart transport can improve citizens' lives, helping to overcome common challenges in urban environments The second edition of Ericsson's (NASDAQ:ERIC) Networked Society City Index ranks 25 of the world's largest cities according to their ability to transform ICT to social, economic and environmental benefits.

The top three cities in the index - Seoul, Singapore and Stockholm - have successfully met many social, economic and environmental targets by making extensive investments in ICT. Singapore, for example, is aggressively driving innovation in e-health, and is a pioneer in traffic-congestion management. DigiNewYork. New York can’t & shouldn’t try to rival Silicon Valley. New York’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, envisions his city wresting the title of “technology capital” of the U.S. from Silicon Valley and has embarked on an ambitious plan to build or expand a science and engineering campus in New York. But in hearing the talk, it sounds like Bloomberg believes he can build his way to Silicon Valley success, which I don’t think is possible.

And as others are pointing out, it shouldn’t be the goal, either. A discussion in the New York Times‘ Room for Debate roundtable explores the question of whether New York can rival Silicon Valley, and most of the participants come away saying no. But what many point to is the fact that New York doesn’t have to rival or emulate Silicon Valley; it can be its own success story, with its own unique culture.

And that is what the region should be looking at first, rather than trying to gain some bragging-rights parity with the San Francisco Bay Area. You can’t teach entrepreneurship New York Flavor I have to agree. New York comme plateforme. DigiLondon. Announcing the 2012 TED Prize Winner – The City 2.0. How Data is Making Rio de Janeiro a Smarter City - TNW Latin America. Do you plan to attend 2014 FIFA World Cup or 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro? If so, the city is already getting ready to welcome you.

Here is how Rio is using technology and data management to get smarter. Manage information to avoid tragedies In April 2010, the State of Rio de Janeiro was hit by a natural disaster, when floods and mudslides killed over 200 people and made 15,000 homeless. Rio Operations Center, the city’s control room Although its initial focus was floods, the scope of Rio Operations Center expanded considerably. The Center is part of the Smarter Cities initiative that IBM has been promoting since 2007. The Center itself is a paradise for data geeks: the amount of information displayed on its 300 screens is impressive, starting with the images streamed from 200 traffic cameras (soon to be 400).

Sharing data with the public through Twitter and apps Although the amount of data that is made publicly available is still fairly limited, this could soon change.