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Concrete5. Five easy ways to speed a concrete5 Site. Setup a subdomain based demo server. Setting Up and Maintaining a Centralized concrete5 Installation. Concrete5 Add-On Developers: Create Your Own concrete5 Demo. Cache'ing & concrete5 - my benchmark tests. I run the concrete5 cache on almost all of our websites... I've set up another server today in the same datacentre purely to benchmark our production machine (we have been trying to work out how much traffic we can comfortably handle).

Test: Run the AB process (with one concurrent connection at a time) and calculate how many times we can request a particular file page in a 60 second window. Evaluate server load / and real world browsing impact Results: Static HTML File >42,176 downloads in 60 seconds >Latency 99% requests served within 2ms >Server load impact - little >Real world impact - no noticeable impact Basic concrete5 site with cache enabled >300 downloads in 60 seconds >Latency 50% requests served within 180ms, 99% within 494ms >Server load impact - double static test-but not huge >Real world impact - no noticeable impact I've run these tests several times and each is getting fairly consistent results.

I'm amazed at how poor concrete5 performs, even with cache on. Thoughts?