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Siete sencillas tareas que mantendrán tu portátil en plena forma - Noticias de Tecnología

Y no, no basta con desfragmentar el disco ni escanear el sistema en busca de virus. El hardware es físico y, como si de un coche se tratase, hay que limpiarlo, engrasarlo y evitar que se caliente demasiado. Si lo que quiere es ampliar la vida útil de su portátil, eche un ojo a estos consejos. 1. El polvo, mejor lejos Uno de los motivos por el que los portátiles tienen tapa es porque se llevan mal con el polvo. Por otra parte, un gran acumulador de polvo es el disipador. El aspecto que tiene un disipador tras un año de uso 2. En muchas ocasiones los programas gratuitos son los que terminan saliendo más caros. Un caso clásico es el de la barra de 3. This Phone Charger Uses Crystal Orbs to Focus the Sun's Rays. A $149 solar smartphone charger called Beta.ey features a ball lens and minuscule multi-junction solar cell that can charge a smartphone one and a half times per day.

This Phone Charger Uses Crystal Orbs to Focus the Sun's Rays

RawLemon The theory underlying the project is that gleaming crystal globes can concentrate diffuse sunlight, or even moonlight, onto a tiny, hyper-efficient photovoltaic cell. The crystal ball is paired with a dual-motion tracking system that keeps the sun's energy focused on the cell throughout the day. The hope is that these innovations will make solar power a practical solution in parts of the world where it's previously been a non-starter. Ball lenses are a novelty in solar power, but they are commonly used as a coupling tool in laser-based applications, endoscopes, and barcode scanners.

In order to prove out the concept and generate investment he has put the principle to work in consumer product form. Pigments would add color to the globes, but slightly reduce their efficacy. Inspiration Strikes. WIX Cómo Crear Una Página Web. Chart Maker & Online Diagram. Sidekick by HubSpot - The Ultimate Email Advantage. Slack: Be less busy. Online Timer. Tu mercadillo virtual. SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds. Aplicaciones de goggle chrome. SpeakIt! Webs interesantes - Noticias de Tecnología.

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