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ANGELS at work Enhanced Caught on CCTV Camera. Pxnxmxcx. Entertainment - Is the Blue-Eyed Chinese Boy the Next Step In Human Evolution? Article updated at 10:20 a.m. on Feb. 3 According to a news reel from China, a young boy there possesses the ability to see in the dark.

Is the Blue-Eyed Chinese Boy the Next Step In Human Evolution?

Study: hardcore gamers have enhanced visual abilities. Hardcore gamers "see the world differently", says the author of a study that suggests gamers who play action games have better visual skills than non-gamers.

Study: hardcore gamers have enhanced visual abilities

Action video game playing is associated with improved visual sensitivity, but not alterations in visual sensory memory. Action video game playing has been experimentally linked to a number of perceptual and cognitive improvements.

Action video game playing is associated with improved visual sensitivity, but not alterations in visual sensory memory

These benefits are captured through a wide range of psychometric tasks and have led to the proposition that action video game experience may promote the ability to extract statistical evidence from sensory stimuli. Such an advantage could arise from a number of possible mechanisms: improvements in visual sensitivity, enhancements in the capacity or duration for which information is retained in visual memory, or higher-level strategic use of information for decision making. The present study measured the capacity and time course of visual sensory memory using a partial report performance task as a means to distinguish between these three possible mechanisms.

Sensitivity measures and parameter estimates that describe sensory memory capacity and the rate of memory decay were compared between individuals who reported high evels and low levels of action video game experience. Children With Special Abilities. State of the City - The Decade of San An­to­nio: A Big City trans­form­ing into a Great City 1/28/10 Mayor Julián Cas­tro pre­sent­ed his first State of the City Ad­dress on Thurs­day, Jan­uary 28,...

Children With Special Abilities

Mayor Julián Cas­tro pre­sent­ed his first State of the City Ad­dress on Thurs­day, Jan­uary 28, 2010, and pro­claimed San An­to­nio as a city on the move that will vault for­ward eco­nom­i­cal­ly in the com­ing decade. "This is the decade of San An­to­nio, the decade of our emer­gence as an eco­nom­ic pow­er­house na­tion­al­ly and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly," Cas­tro said. "We'll get there by build­ing up brain­pow­er and op­por­tu­ni­ty, mak­ing vi­brant our pub­lic spaces, and get­ting the fun­da­men­tals of city gov­ern­ment right. " Abraham Hicks - Indigo children. Indigo Children. LEARN TO READ MINDS IN 10 MINUTES. INTUITION (6EME SENS) - Pearltrees voisins (sources) Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition Part 1 - The Surprising Role of the Heart. Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.1, Mike Atkinson1, and Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D.2 1 HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, California. 2 Institute for Whole Social Science, Carmel, California.

Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition Part 1 - The Surprising Role of the Heart

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004; 10(1): 133-143. For a PDF version of the complete paper, click here. Objectives: This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by which information normally outside the range of conscious awareness is perceived by the psychophysiological systems. Develop Your Intuition. Remote Influencing & Viewing. Remote viewing. Remote Viewing Main Page. Evidence of Premonitions Discovered. Télépathie. Tesla Coil Chakra. Study showing that humans have some psychic powers caps Daryl Bem's career. It took eight years and nine experiments with more 1,000 participants, but the results offer evidence that humans have some ability to anticipate the future.

Study showing that humans have some psychic powers caps Daryl Bem's career

10 Ways to Improve Your Psychic Abilities. Most people are trained to ignore intuition, so they let their psychic potential go to waste.

10 Ways to Improve Your Psychic Abilities

Few realize that everyone has psychic abilities, some more than others, but everyone nonetheless. These spiritual skills can be developed and perfected; clairvoyants need little more than inner peace and meditation to keep their abilities strong. Without following certain steps, however, even psychics would be living in suspense. List of Psychic Abilities - The Complete A to Z. This Psychic Junkie complete A to Z list of psychic abilities is compiled for our information and reference and is an on going project . Your suggestions are welcome. 11 Tips for Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities. Photo: Google Images.

11 Tips for Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities

Abra-abra-cadabra—I want to reach out and grab ya. Security Camera Catches "Girl" Using Telekinesis. What Clair Abilities Do You Have? Claircognizance, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairscentist, Or Clairgustant ? Clairvoyance vs precognition. Paranormalperceptioncrew's Blog. Microsoft Word - 1_AwakeningPsySpir.doc - AwakPsy_eBook_MaggieAnderson.pdf. TELEPATHIE (médias) Remote viewing. Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition Part 2 - A System-Wide Process? Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.1, Mike Atkinson1, and Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D.2 1 HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, California. 2 Institute for Whole Social Science, Carmel, California.

Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition Part 2 - A System-Wide Process?

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004; 10(1): 10(2): 325-336. For a PDF version of the complete paper, click here. Objectives: This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by which information normally outside the range of conscious awareness is perceived by the body’s psychophysiological systems.


Fire. Magnetic. Sunlightenment Sun Gazing, Surya Sun Yoga, and Sunlight research. This Man Has Lived Without Food For 5 Years - He Say He Just Needs Sunlight And Air. - Millions of people struggle with overweight and magazines are packed with advices from expert informing us how we can get a better and healthier figure.

This Man Has Lived Without Food For 5 Years - He Say He Just Needs Sunlight And Air

Companies earn billions on diet plans and weight loss tools. So, it feels strange to hear this man, who describes himself as a "breatharian has lived without food for the last 5 years. Kirby de Lanerolle comes from Sri Lanka and he makes some astonishing claims. Kirby says that he can extract calories from "photons and light and vibrations and wind". He admits he ate real food but he felt bad afterwards.

Kirby's goal is to teach others how they can become breatharians. People are concerned that this kind of diet leads to death. Kiryb claims he can live on sunlight and air. NASA Confirms -Super Human Abilities Gained. Ever wanted to be in more than one place at a time? Superpowers of the Human Biomind. Super Powers!