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The Salvia divinorum Research and Information Center. Psychedelic Medicine News - Controversial halluclinogen Salvia study shows intense, novel effects in humans. In what is believed to be the first controlled human study of the effects of salvinorin A, the active ingredient in Salvia divinorum, a controversial new hallucinogen featured widely on You Tube and other internet sites, Johns Hopkins researchers report that the effects are surprisingly strong, brief, and intensely disorienting, but without apparent short-term adverse effects in healthy people.

Psychedelic Medicine News - Controversial halluclinogen Salvia study shows intense, novel effects in humans

Since the NIH-funded research was done with four mentally and physically healthy hallucinogen-experienced volunteers in a safe medical environment, researchers say they are limited in their conclusions about the compound’s safety, according to Matthew W. Johnson, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the study’s lead author. Salvia leaves are typically smoked. Often the quantity of salvinorin A in the leaves has been boosted by the addition of a concentrated extract of the compound. Continue reading… Psychedelic Medicine News - Salvia Divinorum. Salvia divinorum: From Ancient Shaman to Miley Cyrus -

By Joshua Goldman, MD, MBA | Miley Cyrus’ documented celebration of her entry into adulthood has transformed a shaman’s sacred herb into one of the hottest new drugs (and legal one at that) on the market.

Salvia divinorum: From Ancient Shaman to Miley Cyrus -

Since the YouTube leak of Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia divinorum from a bong on her 18th birthday hit the internet, Google searches for “salvia” in the United States spiked 600% (even Saturday Night Live took a jab at Cyrus for her Salvia indulgence). What is this wacky Mexican herb that has suddenly found its way to the main stream thanks to Cyrus’ accidental celebrity endorsement? Is it really as safe is people make it out to be? We dive into the ancient roots of the herb, its affects on the body and, most importantly, its potential health risks.

What is it? Salvia divinorum, Latin for Salvia of the Ghosts and commonly known as Diviner’s Sage, is a perennial herb that comes from the mint family of plants. How does it work? Increased insight: 47% Is it dangerous? Salvia Divinorum, DMT, Message about TV, Culture, Music, and Religon - Terence McKenna. Salvia divinorum Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner's Sage, ska María Pastora, Seer's sage, and by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects.

Salvia Divinorum, DMT, Message about TV, Culture, Music, and Religon - Terence McKenna

Its native habitat is within cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico, growing in shady and moist locations. The plant grows to over a meter high, has hollow square stems, large leaves, and occasional white flowers with violet calyx. Botanists have not determined whether Salvia divinorum is a cultigen or a hybrid; native plants reproduce vegetatively, rarely producing viable seed. Salvia divinorum has a long and continuous tradition of religious use by Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions. Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship. Psychoaktive pflanzen. Wir haben auf dieser Seite die wichtigsten Internet-Links über Salvia Divinorum zusammengetragen.

psychoaktive pflanzen

Die fundiertesten Seiten sind in Englisch. Wer Probleme mit der englischen Sprache hat, kann das Übersetzungs-Tool von Google nutzen: Nebeneffekt: Die oft erheiternden (aber verständlichen) Übersetzungstexte. So ziemlich alle Fragen werden auf dieser FAQ Seite beantwortet: Komprimierte Informationen auf Deutsch sind auf der Azarius Seite zu finden. Eine der umfassendsten Quellen ist die US Seite von Daniel Siebert. Und hier noch eine gute umfassende Informationsquelle auf Deutsch von im PDF Format mit vielen praktischen Hinweisen: zum Text. Salvinorin A - The Breakthrough. Daniel J.

Salvinorin A - The Breakthrough

Siebert This account is protected by copyright. The Salvia divinorum Research and Information Centeris created and maintained byDaniel Siebert This report represents the first investigation into the human pharmacology of refined salvinorin A. It also documents the discovery that this compound is responsible for the psychoactive effects of Salvia divinorum. June 6, 1993 2.5 mg unidentified impure crystalline fraction of Salvia divinorum. I had set out to prepare a relatively crude but significantly concentrated extract of Salvia divinorum.

I placed 2.5 mg of the material to be tested on a small piece of aluminum foil. I felt that something had gone wrong and I wanted desperately to get back to the “real” world. Then I suddenly found myself standing in the living room. Salvia divinorum.