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Can’t remember all those Excel keyboard shortcuts? Now you don’t have to! Today’s blog post on keyboard shortcut reference cards is brought to you by writer, Turi Henderson. Turi has been on the team for a few years, writing mainly about Accessibility features and Language Tools, and periodically plying her coworkers with fine baked goods. Keyboard shortcuts… You use them every day to make your work flow smoothly, or – in some cases – to make your work flow, period. In all honesty, I use some of them so often that I have no idea where to find those functions on the ribbon! There’s already a lovely article that talks about keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2010. Keyboard shortcuts – Ctrl keys Keyboard shortcuts – Function keys Keyboard shortcuts – Miscellaneous They look like this: You can also find them in the aforementioned lovely article, off to the side of each keyboard shortcut section: Click the link, and the sheet will open as a PDF for you to save or print.

–Turi Henderson. The Ultimate Excel Cheatsheet. Working with the new Excel 2007 is now more frustrating than ever when it comes to finding the right commands. Sometimes it seems like part magic and part luck. That’s why we’ve put together the cream of the crop of Excel shortcuts in easy to use cheatsheets you can print up and keep handy. Highlighting the most commonly used and commonly looked for Excel commands, this list puts it all at your fingertips. Learn how to get around Excel using only the keyboard. These cheatsheets have the keyboard shortcuts for mainpulating files, editing content, changing formatting and navigating around workbooks. Excel Function Cheatsheets The key to being efficient with Excel is knowing which functions to use.

Excel Formula Cheatsheets If you need specific calculations, this is a good place to start. How To Read Cell References Simple Math Formulas From Adding Numbers Calculate Percentages Rounding Numbers Advanced Excel Tips From Guidelines and Examples Of Array Formulas. Newton Excel Bach, not (just) an Excel Blog | An Excel blog for engineers and scientists, and an engineering and science blog for Excel users. Excel Formulas. Formulas NOTE: This page is no longer updated. Most of the topics here are now covered on other pages, or have pages of their own. However, I will leave this page intact and available. See the Topics Index page for a complete list of topics covered on my web site. Array Formulas Many of the formulas described here are Array Formulas, which are a special type of formula in Excel. Array To Column Sometimes it is useful to convert an MxN array into a single column of data, for example for charting (a data series must be a single row or column).

Averaging Values In A Range You can use Excel's built in =AVERAGE function to average a range of values. For the formulas given below, assume that our data is in the range A1:A60. Averaging Values Between Two Numbers Use the array formula =AVERAGE(IF((A1:A60>=Low)*(A1:A60<=High),A1:A60)) Where Low and High are the values between which you want to average. Averaging The Highest N Numbers In A Range Averaging The Lowest N Numbers In A Range The DATEDIF Function. Learn Any Area of Excel using these 80 Links. Last week I asked, What is one area of Excel you want to learn more? More than 250 of you responded to this question. Many of you shared your areas of interest thru comments, quite a few of you also emailed me personally. So what next? You told us what you want to learn, the next step is logical. We share some of the best tutorials & examples with you so that you can learn. In this post, we have presented more than 75 links, to help you learn your area of focus.

I have divided this in to 16 areas. So go ahead and learn Excel. Share your links If you come across any good resource for learning Excel, please share it with us. Thanks to Hui Special thanks to Hui, for compiling the survey results & some of the links. Share this tip with your friends. Free Excel Training! | Learn Excel Online | Basic tasks in Excel 2010. In this article What is Excel? Excel is a spreadsheet program in the Microsoft Office system. You can use Excel to create and format workbooks (a collection of spreadsheets) in order to analyze data and make more informed business decisions. Specifically, you can use Excel to track data, build models for analyzing data, write formulas to perform calculations on that data, pivot the data in numerous ways, and present data in a variety of professional looking charts. Common scenarios for using Excel include: Accounting You can use the powerful calculation features of Excel in many financial accounting statements—for example, a cash flow statement, income statement, or profit and loss statement.

Top of Page Find and apply a template Excel 2010 allows you to apply built-in templates, to apply your own custom templates, and to search from a variety of templates on To find a template in Excel 2010, do the following: On the File tab, click New. Create a new workbook Save a workbook. Microsoft Excel Training & Word 2007 Tutorial - Learn Free Office Online Video Course 2010. Excel 2007 training courses - Training. Excel Templates, Calendars, Calculators and Spreadsheets by Vertex42. Excel Tips. Cleaning and Preparing Your Data Using Excel. 50+ Best Free Excel Templates & Dashboards for Any Occasion.

Excel templates are great because they can be applied to different business scenarios and be reused time and time again. Sometimes one of your business templates may need some minor tweaks to better suit your purposes but having a good template on hand will save you a lot of time and effort. What’s better than a reusable Excel template? Perhaps, a dashboard template . On the high end of templates are dashboards, which take your data and push them into cool looking charts and gauges that help measure progress. Whats better than that? Free Excel Templates and dashboards! Fortunately, there are some people who have spent hours laboring over awesome Excel dashboards and templates that were kind enough to make them available online for free.

Templates take the labor out of working in Excel. Personal Finance Wonder where all the money goes at the end of the month? Portfolio Slicer takes fetches data from Yahoo! Having trouble remembering your deductible donations at tax time? General Business. Robert Allison's SAS/Graph Samples! Excel. Excel to XML - Easy Excel Tutorial. You can convert your Excel file to an XML data file, or vice versa. This enables you to exchange data between different applications. First, turn on the Developer tab. Here's the data we want to convert to an XML data file. First, we will create a schema based on XML source data. The schema defines the structure of the XML file. We have to do this outside Excel. 1. <? Note: the tags refer to the column names, but you can give them any name you want! 2. 3. 4. 5. The XML Maps dialog box appears. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Result: That saves quite a lot of time! Note: to import an XML file, open a blank workbook, on the Developer tab click Import, and select the XML file.

Excel VBA Loops, with examples. For Loop; Do While Loop; Do Until Loop. User Rating: / 14Details Details Category: Excel VBA Excel VBA Loops, with examples. Loops are one of the most basic and powerful programming tools in VBA, and used across most programming languages. There are three basic kinds of VBA Loops (subdivided into 6 loops as below): The For Loop The For … Next Statements The For Each … Next Statements The Do While Loop The Do While … Loop Statements The Do … Loop While Statements The Do Until Loop The Do Until … Loop Statements The Do … Loop Until Statements The For … Next Loop repeats a block of code a specific number of times.

For counter_variable = start_value To end_value [block of code] Next counter_variable This is explained with the help of a simple example: Sub forNext1() Dim n As IntegerDim nTotal As Integer nTotal = 0 For n = 1 To 5 nTotal = n + nTotal Next n MsgBox nTotal End Sub The counter variable is "n", which is required to be declared. Stepwise explanation: MsgBox will display the value 15. MsgBox will display the value 9. [block of code] Example: Next ws Do. Excel-cheat-sheet.jpg (JPEG Image, 1100 × 778 pixels)