AROBS is a Romanian software services provider based on the latest technologies. AROBS has one of the most diverse and extensive expertise in software development, being a very important IT company in Romania.
Why IT outsourcing in Romania? AROBS for offshore and nearshore. 3.
Open, less hierarchical, innovative – pure gold culture Our culture is based on colleagues first! Being one of the top Romanian outsourcing software development companies, our culture reflects and sustains our thrive for perfection. Growing people, thus growing specialists is part of the AROBS culture. Nevertheless, until reaching that point, keeping employees in your company is a continuous challenge when you compete in a global market of IT outsourcing and exquisite expertise in software services.
Our internship programs encourage collaborative work and contribution to real projects. AROBS created an inside network between our specialists. AROBS Meetups started from a bottom-up initiative of four of our employees and it includes almost weekly meetings on the hottest subjects in IT outsourcing, from blockchain to servant leader, from testing to the SAFe approach. 4. Read the testimonials. 5. Read more about our business. Read our article about outsourcing in Eastern Europe on Software Development Romania - IT outsourcing in Romania - AROBS. A study elaborated by ARIES Transilvania in 2017 says that in the last few years, Romanian IT has experienced a spectacular market growth.
Now, along with the communication technology industry, it reaches over 6% of the national GDP. All this concentrate in 10 cities in the country. Cluj-Napoca market development Among them, Cluj-Napoca is the most dynamic part of the market. Initially, it remained in other cities shadow, making good use of their example, and now it is a real challenger for the leader, Bucharest.
From 2011 to 2016, the number of IT companies in Cluj had a growth of over 75% and it managed to multiply 4 times the turnover value. Cluj also embraces the international market by outsourcing and because of that it is only natural that the subject trending is part of the worlds most demanded solutions, like: virtual reality, artificial intelligence and devices data communication. Healthcare & Medical software development - Life Sciences. AROBS Life Sciences – Healthcare Software Solutions division has build its expertise in the past years around long-term collaborations with major companies in the pharmaceutical industry – USA and Canada.
During this period of time, we developed medical software that simplifies the clinical trial management system’s process for medicines, from the research point to the approval, before reaching the consumer. The clinical trial market requires constant optimization. So our target is to come up with solutions that make the methods applied in research more efficient and effective.
In other words, we strive to be ahead of the market’s needs and develop custom software solutions. As a result, this contributed to the successful completion of several large projects. Although our path has unfolded mostly in the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare software development for medical devices, we have also worked on projects that concern the entire health industry. Home automation system - developing intelligent IoT systems. Travel Software and Hospitality Solutions. We can interface your solution with any complementary service, whether they are global distribution systems, the Pegasus switch system, or ERP systems.
Automotive engineering - software engineering services. Automotive engineering services are in our DNA, hence AROBS’ automotive engineering team is fully committed to delivering state-of-the-art complex solutions for this industry.
Cloud applications development for Enterprises: high expertise. Our expertise on cloud applications development for Enterprises includes, but is not limited to organizing and planning applications, industry-based aggregators and various information-processing platforms.
Here are some of our past projects: 1. Modernization in the music industry We replaced the 20-year-old system of one of the biggest music publishers and created a global publishing system that brings improved business functionality and efficiency, facilitating business transformation and further centralization of some core business functions like song-management, contract briefing, copyright, registration, portal, royalty processing and tracking/reporting. Therefore, in collaboration with an external partner we created a modern, cloud-native application using innovative technology. As a result, it allowed new requirements to quickly and easily adapt to the latest business and market requirements. Software Services - Romanian software company. More than 20 years of experience in software development helped us develop strong processes.
With each new project, we make sure we are the best possible software services provider for your project. Outsourcing in software services is a highly specific business. Its singular traits come from the fact that, at the end of the day, we trade skills, innovation, commitment all in an excellent structure, and these assets are in high demand. The match We create business partnerships with our clients, their success is our success. In this phase, the legal departments of review the contracts and if everything is in accordance this is the start of the collaboration. The development and testing At this point, the ownership will move from the sales and presales team to the delivery team. Optimall by AROBS - Soluții software pentru industria FMCG. Vezi soluțiile! TrackGPS - Monitorizare și gestionare a flotei auto. Te ajutăm să crești vânzările. Softwareentwicklung und IT-Outsourcing mit AROBS - ihre Solutionprovider.
AROBS arbeitet in Rumänien und Europa mit kompetenten Fachkräften aus kleineren Städten zusammen, die ein großes Potenzial bieten.
Unsere rumänischen Büros nutzen strategisch die breit gefächerten Talentpipelines dieser kleineren Städte, die ein stabiles Wachstum und eine größere Kapazität für die Arbeit an IT-Outsourcing-Projekten gewährleisten. Einige unserer erfolgreichen Teams von Softwareentwicklern und Automobilingenieuren sitzen in Städten wie Târgu Mureș, Baia Mare, Iași, Suceava oder Arad. SAS Grup - Experți în monitorizare GPS - Suport 24/24.
AROBS Transilvania Software development - IT solutions of top quality.