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Shituationists in Athens cyber creative space. Walterbenjamin.html.

Productive Forces

Anti-Anti-Semitism. Αντιεξουσιαστική Ψυχολογία. Η ΣΠΗΛΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΝΟΣΦΕΡΑΤΟΥ. Marxists Internet Archive. Len Bracken on the World Wide Web. Radical Spirituality. The Scenewash Project - The Art of Gabriel Thy. Θέσεις - τριμηνιαία επιθεώρηση - Αρχή. Terminal 119 | για την κοινωνική και ατομική αυτονομία. Principia Dialectica | The following is an extract from a collection of essays called The translators of the essays discussed a range of topics with Robert Kurz, as presented in the chapter called Theory of Marx, crisis and the supersession of capitalism (concerning the historical situation of the radical social critique). This talk was realised in May 2010 when this collection was published. The questions are those of the translators. My common point with Postone is the critique of the concept of work conveyed by traditional marxism. The traditional vision has given to the purely negative critical and historical marxian concept of abstract labour a positive definition, by reinterpreting it as an eternal condition of humanity.

Individual capital increases its own productivity first in an isolated manner and acquires an advantage with competition. . (1) Kurz is referring here to Chapter VIII of Moishe Postone’s, “Temps, travail et domination sociale”, Paris: Milles Et Une Nuit, 2009. Ενάντια στην [αφηρημένη] εργασία.

Moishe Postone in Greek

Εξεγέρσεις στη Σαχαρασία. ΑΡΝΗΤΙΚΟ. Wu Ming Foundation | A band of novelists from Italy (not the dark side) Σημειωματαριο κηπων. Ράκος "Lumpen" Κουρελάριος. Κριτική της Αξίας.