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Sina Weibo Passes 500 Million Users, But Needs to Monetize More on Mobile. So Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) announced its not-so-good Q4 financials today.

Sina Weibo Passes 500 Million Users, But Needs to Monetize More on Mobile

While the Chinese web company has multiple businesses, all the scrutiny is on its microblog, Sina Weibo. Our friends at 36Kr have pointed to several more interesting statistics revealed by Sina. Definitely the biggest, as revealed in the earnings call, is that Sina Weibo has now surpassed 500 million – yes, half a billion – registered users in total. Sina Weibo passed the 400 million milestone just in time for its Q3 report. Out of those 500 million, 46.3 million are daily active users. In terms of raw money, Sina has ploughed $280 million into Weibo, its flagship social product, which explains why its income is going down despite slowly rising revenues. Monetizing not mobile enough Looking at the statistics, it is fair to assume that most eyeballs and engagement comes from mobile.

Microblogging. More Females on Sina Weibo but Less Influential than Males? This semester for a class on HCI, I have been looking at dual screen experience that people interact with mobile devices while watching TV in China.

More Females on Sina Weibo but Less Influential than Males?

I collected over 1 million Sina Weibo messages during 'Chunwan' (春晚), a state sponsored TV program to celebrate Chinese New Year, which is also a popular cultural event that almost everyone in China participates. While the social engagement aspect of this study is still ongoing, for now one of the side findings from this data is quite worth-noting: Within this data, over 60% users are female on Sina Weibo, but male users are almost twice likely to have a large number of followers(over 5000) than their female counterpart. Sina Weibo public timeline API returns recently published posts, it also provides user's gender, user's number of followers and many other things, so I had a quick check of a few descriptive statistics: Out of 1,090,799 users in my data, 61.6% are female users and 38.4% are male users.

JiaThis:2013年5月社会化分享排行榜. 国内的社会化分享工具提供商JiaThis最新发布的《2013年5月国内社会化媒体分享数据排行报告》具体数据如图: 1、新浪微博、QQ空间、微信三大媒体分享趋势叠错交织 5月份中,在月底显示新浪微博超越QQ空间,跃居分享排名首位,这也是JiaThis在上线新浪微博和QQ空间两个分享媒体以来,新浪微博实现的首次超越。


微信作为一个新兴媒体,自从上线来也深受站长主们喜爱,JiaThis后台数据显示,在本月中,排名三甲媒体分享量占比不断变化,大有你追我赶之架势,这已经不再仅仅是SNS媒体和社区之间的争夺,还有移动端和PC端的互相对垒,接下来的日子中,三大媒体走势如何,让人拭目以待。 新浪微博、QQ空间、微信5月分享趋势图如下。 2、移动端分享主要以生活服务、电商购物为主 在1月份的时候,JiaThis针对中国移动“爱分享”、中国联通“WO+分享”、中国电信“手机快传”用户分享占比进行了分析,随着移动端媒体接口:微信、移动微博等的不断增加,JiaThis针对移动端分享内容进行了分析,结果显示:移动端分享主要以生活、电商购物为主,约占比例为37.46%。 3、女性时尚类、音乐视频类传播力进一步加强 十个劣质内容分享抵不过一个优质内容分享带来几个有效回流,回流量一直是大家比较关注的话题,而在不同类分享站点中,女性时尚类、音乐视频类网站,回流量一直是比较高的,JiaThis分析一月份到五月份之间的回流数据发现,女性时尚类、音乐视频类传播力进一步加强,平均一次分享可以带来3.3次回流,这和平时的热点事件回流几乎持平,传播力度可见一般。 En Chine, les utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux favorisent Sinaweibo à Twitter. The Standard in Measuring Buzz Value. Sina Executives on Weibo Monetization:Sponsored Stories Ten Times More Efficient than Display Ads. The general manager of Sina’s business strategy, Ai Yong, and spokesperson, Liu Qi, talked about Weibo monetization in an interview lately.

Sina Executives on Weibo Monetization:Sponsored Stories Ten Times More Efficient than Display Ads

It sounds like Sina wants to convince us that, unlike what we thought about, the Weibo advertising business doesn’t cannibalize that on its portal, and that Sina is technologically capable of building workable advertising platforms. Sina management once acknowledged that Weibo ads had been bundled with portal ads in contracts between brands and Sina portal before Weibo started selling display ads separately. It was perceived that brands wanted to dump portal adverts which weren’t that effective and shifted to Weibo. Sina executives, however, said in the interview that brand advertisers didn’t fancy the Weibo platform and small businesses would be their major Weibo advertising customers. image credit: Below are some details the two gentlemen told media.

Weibo are for SME Advertisers.


China IWOM Blog- Making Sense of the Buzz. launched a new online product, “ Free Group Purchase ”, at 5 p.m. on the 1st of March, encouraging users to initiate a group purchase on any product they want. This “C2B” group purchase would be achievedas long as they round up enough participants. So far, more than 15,000 group purchases have been started, 100 of which have been successful. Social platform has at last launched a web version. For what is essentially a Pinterest clone, this web version features organizing and sharing features for foodies to share photos of all their favorite eats. You’re also able to search for the hottest content (or shoulf that be filling?) released its 2011 yearly report on users’ consumption data on 27 th of February. Starbucks China have released their first App (click to download) for iPhone and Android.

Weibo no showground for outsized egos. Weibo, China's most popular microblogging platform, has seen burning topics follow one after another almost daily since New Year's Day. Starting from the new traffic rule that outlaws driving through yellow lights, each time a new topic causes outcry, some people seem determined to overthrow certain decisions made by authorities. Weibo is a platform for the public to express their views. It has been pushing forward the freedom of speech more than ever before. Heatmap of WeChat Users Around the World. The WeChat messaging app seems to be China’s biggest social media export to date.

Heatmap of WeChat Users Around the World

But, apart from Tencent telling us that the “focus is Asia,” no one knows where WeChat is proving popular. Keen to find out where the app is doing well, the China-oriented consultants Value2020 have come up with this neat heatmap. We’re told that the map is collated “based on app stores’ rankings” of WeChat, balanced by a “percentage of smartphones connected to the internet” in that country. While it’s far from an official way of tracking WeChat’s near 300 million user-base, it seems like a decent approach to find such elusive information. Of course, download numbers and app store tallies don’t equate to registered or active users, so that has to be thrown in there as a disclaimer.