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Social Media in Russia, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki. According to comScore data, Russians are the most avid social media junkies in the world. At 9.8 hours per month, they spend more than twice as much time on social media networks than the global average. Part of this can be explained by the relatively low Internet penetration in the country, which means that the existing user base is skewed towards the technological elite who are intense users of all IT products and services, not just social media. Another part can be explained by the ease of access to illegal music and movies via Russian social media sites. And yet further explanation could be due to Russians’ disillusionment by their State-controlled and State-friendly broadcast media, as further detailed in a recent article on Radio Free Europe.

From a commercial perspective — given how central such sites are to Russian Internet users — it’s important for online sellers to develop an understanding of the major social networks and their dynamics. Profiles of the Major Players vKontakte. Tips for webmaster - Yandex.Help: webmaster. 10 lessons of Yandex SEO « Russian Search Tips – SEO and SEM for Russian Search Engines. Over last year we’ve seen a lot of changes in Yandex search algorithm, which of course affected SEO. Increased emphasis on quality of content, site usability and behavioral factors with personalized search on top of that brought Yandex SEO quality standards close to those of Unlike a year ago, severe penalties can be caused by low quality, keyword-stuffed or duplicate content.

Keyword research, onsite SEO and link building process have become more sophisticated. Yandex SEO DON’Ts Duplicate, keyword-stuffed, auto-generated, and machine translated content For us, international SEOs, it is very important to understand that Yandex SEO success requires investing time and effort into creating high quality content written in good Russian language. A lot of international sites fail to do so, ending up with machine-translated or poorly written Russian copy that drags them down in Yandex SERPs. Penalties for low quality content have become more severe over the last couple of years.

East-West Digital News – Russian digital industries in English - Russian IT news. MOSCOW 2013 – Connecting Digital Influencers | Connecting Digital Influencers. The HUBFORUM is the annual meeting allowing the communication, the marketing, the luxury and the fashion professionals to meet and to exchange on respective expertises. After its 2010, 2011 and 2012 editions in Paris, which have gathered more than 100 Digital experts around 800 participants, HUBFORUM is expanding in path in Moscow for the second time. The conference will take place on tuesday April 2nd at the Ararat Park Hyatt and will bring French, Russian and American Digital, Luxury and Fashion experts. The purpose of this new edition in Moscow is to exchange on the 2013 Digital stakes and to benchmark the successful experiences in the Luxury & Fashion industry.

The value added of this conference is unmistakably its Russian-French touch: digital and fashion experts come to Moscow to share their expertise and their know-how. Speakers Meet all of the speakers.