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According To A Study, This Single Factor Makes You Three Times More Likely To Cheat On Your Partner. Keeping it Casual. Excerpted, with minor changes, from The Ape That Understood the Universe: How the Mind and Culture Evolve, by Steve Stewart-Williams (2018.

Keeping it Casual

Cambridge University Press). Consider the following joke – a favorite of the evolutionary psychologist Donald Symons. An Irishman, an Italian, and an Iowan are arguing about which bar is the world’s best. “The best bar in the world is Paddy’s Pub in County Cork,” says the Irishman. “After you’ve bought two drinks at Paddy’s, the house stands you to a third.”

Why Are You Single? Sex differences in 30 facets of the five factor model of personality in the large public (N = 320,128) JavaScript is disabled on your browser.

Sex differences in 30 facets of the five factor model of personality in the large public (N = 320,128)

Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. There's An Easy Way For Women To Have More Orgasms, But Men Aren't Going To Like It. A new survey has found that some women aged between 18 and 65 experience orgasms as many as 55 times per month.

There's An Easy Way For Women To Have More Orgasms, But Men Aren't Going To Like It

Unfortunately for men, this involves cutting them entirely out of the equation. The study, from the University of Arkansas and published in Archives of Sexual Behaviour, found that women are 32 percent more likely to have an orgasm with another woman. Straight women in the same survey, on average, had just seven orgasms over a month, fewer than lesbians within the study.

The researchers, led by Dr Kristen Jozkowski, found that this was despite the fact that women in relationships with men reported having sex more frequently than women in relationships with other women. The women in the survey had around 16 sex sessions a month if they were straight, whereas lesbian pairs had sex around 10 times a month. Should You Be Monogamous? Relationship Advice, Home DNA Testing, Romantic Chemistry. Researchers Tested Which Male Body Shapes Women Find The Most Attractive. It's Not Good News, Men. If you are a man with a female partner and you don't have the perfect body, go ahead and ask her what kind of body type she prefers in men.

Researchers Tested Which Male Body Shapes Women Find The Most Attractive. It's Not Good News, Men

We'll wait. Ok, have you done that? Quand devriez vous avoir un enfant. The price of being single. Bella DePaulo, now in her sixties, has always been single.

The price of being single

For some time, she thought the marriage bug would bite her, until she realized it wouldn’t—and she didn’t want it to. DePaulo, who describes herself as “single at heart,” relishes the lifestyle. According To A Study, This Single Factor Makes You Three Times More Likely To Cheat On Your Partner. Scientists have found evidence that backs up the old "once a cheater, always a cheater" rule when it comes to staying faithful in relationships.

According To A Study, This Single Factor Makes You Three Times More Likely To Cheat On Your Partner

Researchers from the University of Denver wanted to look at whether infidelity in a previous relationship was a risk factor for infidelity in the next relationships. Pourquoi fait-on encore l’amour ? - VICE. Theconversation. Helping hand in cancer fight. Scientists claimed yesterday that frequent masturbation could protect men from prostate cancer.

Helping hand in cancer fight

Men between the ages of 20 and 50 were encouraged to partake in the activity regularly. Researchers believe that ejaculation can flush cancer-triggering chemicals out of the prostate gland, or induce prostate cells to mature fully, making them less susceptible to carcinogens. Australian scientists discovered the link after questioning 1,079 men with prostate cancer about their sexual habits. Why do we love? A philosophical inquiry - Skye C. Cleary. Ancient Egyptians wrote passionate love poetry in hieroglyphics thousands of years ago, but it's only in the last couple of hundred years that we've started referring to love as 'romantic'.

Why do we love? A philosophical inquiry - Skye C. Cleary

We started calling it romantic because it’s dazzlingly magnificent like the Roman Empire. Robert Solomon and Kathleen Higgins have put together a selection of excerpts from Plato’s Symposium to late twentieth century philosophies in the Philosophy of (Erotic) Love. Irving Singer wrote extensively on the history of love in his trilogy called The Nature of Love, which also starts with Plato, plots the rise of romantic love, and then explores ideas of love in the modern world. More recently, philosopher Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins at the University of British Columbia has been investigating the metaphysics of love, including questions such as “what is love?” Scientists Make Voles Fall In Love By Stimulating A Brain Connection. How do scientists unravel the secrets of love?

Scientists Make Voles Fall In Love By Stimulating A Brain Connection

By looking at the brains of prairie voles while they woo each other and have sex, obviously. Neuroscientists from Emory University have managed to “crack the neural code” of love by finding the specific brain connection that makes the brain’s reward system pump with lots of juicy feel-good chemicals, such as oxytocin and dopamine, when voles are romantically bonding. They even managed to artificially stimulate this network using light, effectively making the voles fall in love.

Whether this is can be considered true love, however, remains to be answered. In the study, published yesterday in the journal Nature, the researchers used a probe entering the vole’s brain to “listen in” on their neural communication while they were socializing, huddling up, and bonding in the run-up to sex. Male Scientist Claims Lesbianism Evolved Because Men Like It. Gay Community Disagrees.

A controversial new study claims that lesbianism evolved because it's a turn-on for men.

Male Scientist Claims Lesbianism Evolved Because Men Like It. Gay Community Disagrees

The study, which has drawn a lot of criticism from the gay community and several scientists, says that men's desire of women who are attracted to other women drove the evolution of homosexuality in women. Researchers at the University of Nicosia surveyed 1,509 heterosexual people and a grand total of zero homosexual people for their study, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. This "Golden Trio" Of Sex Acts Is The Key To Female Orgasms. Gaps, for the most part, are considered to be bad. The gender pay gap, for example, is notoriously awful. The “orgasm gap” – the fact that men achieve orgasm a lot more frequently than women during sexual frivolities – is also decidedly rubbish, and now, science has waltzed in to save the day by trying to close it. How to Make Yourself Fall in Love — or Out of Love. Want to keep the fire burning in your relationship? Or eager to up your Tinder ratios? This story is part of OZY’s series on the Science of Dating — check out the rest here.

La technique pour tomber amoureux et désaimer quelqu'un. Vous pensez les émotions indomptables ? Qu’on ne choisit pas de qui on tombe amoureux ? Que la passion nous fait perdre le contrôle de nous-même ? Ce qui est sûr, c’est que l’amour rend fou, malade, ivre, et parfois aveugle. Que l’on soit en plein dedans ou que l’on en soit privé. When should you settle down? Christine Rosch. La science en bref 11 speciale st valentin. 17 Science-Backed Ways Men Can Appear More Attractive To Women.

George Clooney.Alessandro Bianchi/Reuters It's almost Valentine's Day, and for many, the pressure is on to find that special someone. Whether you're simply looking for a date or hoping to find something that lasts, you could benefit from the decades of psychological research on the qualities that women find most attractive in a male partner. How To Have A Happy Sex Life With Your Partner, According To Science. Hollywood movies, cheap sitcoms, and glossy magazines are often blamed for muddying our perceptions of sex, love, and relationships.

36 Questions That Make Strangers Fall In Love (The LAB) Scientists asked 5,500 Americans to reveal their 'relationship deal breakers' — here's what they learned. 8 Science-Backed Ways To Appear More Attractive. What makes people attractive? Male vs Female Orgasms - Which Is Better? How Internet Porn Affects Romantic Life. The world of internet pornography is a pervasive and wide reaching technology, growing at a breathtaking rate. It is a $13 billion-a-year industry in the US. Nine out of 10 boys in America are exposed to it before the age of 18, and men are 543% more likely to be users than women. Have Children? Here’s How Kids Ruin Your Romantic Relationship. Lots of women look forward to motherhood – getting to know a tiny baby, raising a growing child, developing a relationship with a maturing son or daughter. Scientists Identify 38 Genes Linked With Losing Your Virginity. Does Sex Count As Exercise? Lundi, c'est photoplethysmographie. Ce week-end, samedi 16 et dimanche 17 avril, je serai au festival BD de Perros-Guirrec.

Si vous êtes dans le coin... SOURCES :– L'image de la carte postale est encore tirée du blog Hippopolivre, la bibliothèque idéale d'Hippopotable, mon fournisseur officiel d'images. Cette magnifique illustration est tirée de ce bouquin pour enfants sur la sexualité, dont la couv n'augure pas une vie épanouie, mais c'est mon avis personnel. – Une fois de plus cette note est inspirée de Mary Roach, mais cette fois de son livre "BONK".– Les tests sur l'excitation des femmes via le photoplethysmographe ont été réalisés par le Female Psychology Laboratory du Departement de psychologie de l'université du Texas, à Austin. – Un photoplethysmographe vaginal est une sorte de tampon qui envoie, grosso modo, de la lumière contre la paroi vaginale et détecte en retour, en fonction de la lumière réfléchie, l'afflux sanguin de ladite paroi, et cela, 60 fois par seconde.

I fucking love science. Oxytocin-like Spray Claims To Make Men Appear 15 Percent More Attractive. Les 5 Langages de l’amour. Les connaître améliorera drastiquement tes relations. Study Reveals Why We All Love People That Are Bad For Us. The Physical Characteristics That Make Men More Attractive, According To Science. Asexuality is Probably More Common Than We ThinkVideo. The Science of Kissing. Observatoire Gleeden de l’infidélité - Enquête sur les perceptions et les comportements des Français en matière d’aventures extra-conjugales. Spouses Tend To Have Similar DNA. Remote-Controlled Contraceptive Implant That Lasts 16 Years. Born this way? An evolutionary view of ‘gay genes’ New Contraceptive Lasts For Three Months And Protects Against HIV And Pregnancy. La liberté sexuelle en question: Catherine Blanc at TEDxParis 2013. Helen Fisher nous explique pourquoi nous aimons et pourquoi parfois, nous trompons.

Does Size Really Matter? Why Do We Kiss? That Loving Feeling. Does Penis Size Matter? What teens really want to know about sex. 6 areas of research that offer fascinating conclusions on sexuality. Tristram Wyatt: The smelly mystery of the human pheromone. Amy Webb: How I hacked online dating. New Study Suggests Genetic Link To Homosexuality. Contraceptive Pill Acts As "Beer Goggles", Making Unattractive Men Seem More Attractive. Helen Fisher: The brain in love. An Online Dating Site for Singles. Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet, funny. The Science Of Orgasms. "Hypersexualisation" des fillettes : l'enquête de l'Obs - 5 mars 2012. The science of attraction - Dawn Maslar. Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?

Study Finds More Reasons to Get and Stay Married. Study Concludes That Women Who Squirt During Sex Are Actually Peeing. Femmes fontaines: leur mystère dévoilé. Breakup Studies Help People Get Over Breakups. I heart intelligence 5 things you should do for yourself before getting into a relationship. How a Math Genius Hacked OkCupid to Find True Love. Meilleur site de rencontre: lequel choisir entre AdopteUnMec, Attractive World...? Inside OKCupid: The math of online dating - Christian Rudder. What is love? - Brad Troeger. Can Science Improve Your Sex Life?

10 facts about infidelity. Brain Scans Can Now Detect If You're In Love. Mating Market Theory: The Math Of One-Night Stands And Long-Term Relationships. Why Do Men Exist? I Heart Intelligence Sapiosexuality: Why Some of Us are Attracted Purely by Intelligence (backed by science, of course) I Heart Intelligence Why Women Want a Funny Man (There's A Scientific Explanation)

Scientists Discover Evolutionary Advantage For Homosexuality. The Science Behind A More Meaningful Understanding Of Sexual Orientation. Scientists Reveal What The Perfect Penis Looks Like. 10 facts about infidelity. The relationship compatibility test. Women hurt more by breakups but recover more fully. Is Masturbation Good For You? Esther Perel: Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved. Wedding Bells Or Single Again: Psychology Predicts Where Your Relationship Is Headed. The Science of Cheating.