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360Learning raises €1.2M from 3T Capital & ISAI to enable enterprises to build their own MooC. Lets You Take Notes While Watching Online Lessons. The online education field is rapidly expanding. There are old warhorses like Khan Academy, new educators like Coursera, and universities getting into the game, like MIT’s OpenCourseWare and CalTech’s many online courses. Indeed, you can actually consider getting a full education on the web, maybe even for free. But while the “classroom” is going online, the tools we use to study often aren’t reflecting the changes.

As a student, you are watching a video on a screen, and that makes it difficult to take notes and share them with your classmates — unless you want to go back to writing your notes on paper. That’s where comes in. It’s an online notepad designed to make it simple to take notes from your online lectures. It’s one of the few apps designed specifically for distance learners, and if you’re taking a course online, you should be sure to check it out. Watch & Learn Here’s how it works.

Once the video is playing, you are free to start taking notes. And There’s More. Dans les coulisses d’un demo-day américain : “Aujourd’hui, vous êtes en haut des montagnes russes” Suite de l’épopée d’un entrepreneur français dans la Silicon Valley, Clément Delangues nous raconte de l’intérieur la vie tumultueuse d’un projet au coeur de l’incubateur Imagine K12. “Aujourd’hui, vous êtes en haut des montagnes russes”. C’est ainsi que notre mentor, Tim Brady, investisseur et entrepreneur reconnu de la valley (ainsi que premier employé chez Yahoo) clôture une journée un peu spéciale de notre vie d’entrepreneur : notre demo day.

Quelques mois plus tôt, lors de notre sélection pour Imagine K12, le Y Combinator pour l’éducation, Arnaud et moi avions immédiatement coché cette date dans notre agenda. Ce jour où, après trois mois et demi d’intense idéation, de développement produit, de recherche du “product market fit”, nous pourrions présenter le résultat de notre acharnement à un parterre d’investisseurs à la recherche du prochain Facebook. Une question de traction ? Tout le monde vous le dira, la clef d’un demo-day réussi, c’est la traction. “Practice, practice, practice” VideoANT. From a need to a startup, thanks to a Google hackathon. Editor’s Note: Guest author Arnaud Breton is a co-founder of UniShared — Nicolas GarnierA few weeks ago, Clément and I started to take online courses (based on videos), mainly on Coursera, edX (the MIT-Harvard venture), and Udacity, the biggest online course providers.

Right from the start, we found that it was really painful to take digital notes while watching the video lectures: we had to switch between multiple windows, struggling to interact with them (no shortcuts to play/pause, etc) and no ways of matching the notes to videos... Finally we ended up taking notes with the old fashioned and archaic pens & papers.

After giving it a thought, we were convinced that we could make this much better. We both live in Mountain View, fifteen minutes away from the Google HQ, where a Google Drive hackathon was taking place so we decided to take this opportunity to find and build a solution to our problem. was born! So, what’s next for us? Video Integrated With Google Documents. Take notes and navigate videos with is a tool that lets you take notes while watching a video. It’s Google Drive App that works on all browsers and was designed for students and educators. Your notes are saved in Google Drive, so you need a Google account to use The tool works on Mac, Windows, and Unix, but it’s not iPad friendly (yet). The software was created by UniShared, a French startup supported by Silicon Valley ed tech accelerator Imagine K12.

How it works Load a video on the left side of the screen by entering its web addressType notes on the right side. I tried the product myself and here’s my example, with notes on Kirby Ferguson’s Everything is a Remix. Five Ideas for Applying in a Course Annotate a captured lecture or create a table of contentsCreate a video viewing guide for students with prompts like Note ‘X’ here – why is that happening?” More Details I used to create a set of notes in Chrome and didn’t have to install anything. Caveats Read more Related.