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Mod Automatic Backup Program at Skyrim Nexus. GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program. Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once. NifSkope - NifTools. From NifTools Overview Project Status: ActiveActive Developers: corwinFormer Developers: Alphax, m4444x, tazpn, wz, Shon, amoriliaContributors: throttlekitty, skenizen, Meseira, ... A graphical program that allows you to open NIF files, view their contents, edit them, and write them back out again.

You can use it to quickly make changes to specific properties of a NIF file such as changing the texture, adding translucency, and more. A 3D view of the contents of the NIF file allows you to preview your changes instantly. Downloads Documentation Tutorials General Purpose Texturing Modeling NifSkope/Mesh import exportCustom Shield Mesh at The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki Custom Weapons with NifSkope at The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki Morrowind/NifSkope Alchemy -Tutorial aimed specifically at Morrowind Oblivion/NifSkope Alchemy -Tutorial aimed specifically at Oblivion Other List of all subpages of NifSkope:

Fences - Your tool for a clean desktop. Download.