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Invalid Product IDs. Do you have an invalid product ID that won’t go away? Good thing the StoreKit API provides error codes and detailed error information explaining why the ID is invalid. Oh, what’s that? There are no error codes or error details of any kind when you have an invalid product ID, you say? Bah, silly me. To save you the pain of exhaustively searching the web for the cause of your error, here is a checklist of everything I have stumbled across that can cause an invalid product ID. Have you enabled In-App Purchases for your App ID? If you answered “No” to any one of these questions, there’s your problem. If you answered “Yes” for each of these questions and you still have an invalid product ID, then you have a problem I haven’t seen before. Here are the docs and resources I used to debug invalid product IDs: If your solution for invalid product IDs wasn’t mentioned in the checklist above, please leave a comment detailing how you fixed the problem so I can keep the checklist up to date.

Introduction to In-App Purchases. This post is also available in: Chinese (Simplified), Russian, Korean Note from Ray: This is the third iOS 6 tutorial in the iOS 6 Feast! In this tutorial, we’re updating one of your older tutorials to iOS 6 so it’s fully up-to-date with the latest features like ARC, Storyboards, and new iOS 6 APIs. Parts of this tutorial come from our Beginning In-App Purchase chapter in our new book iOS 6 by Tutorials, although the book is about a different app (iOS Hangman!)

And takes things MUCH further than this simple example, such as covering the new iOS 6 Hosted Downloads feature. Enjoy! This is a blog post by site administrator Ray Wenderlich, an independent software developer and gamer. One of the great things about being an iOS devleoper is that there are a variety of models you can use to make money off of your apps, including paid, free with ads, and in-app purchases. In-app purchases are a particularly compelling option, for several reasons: In App Rage Managing In App Purchases Consumables.

Using Open Source Static Libraries in Xcode 4. Xcode 4.0.1 allows us to more easily create and use third party libraries in iOS projects. I think the process is still more complicated than it needs to be. Xcode’s documentation suggests that it should automatically detect implicit dependencies and index classes across workspaces but I have not found this to be the case. Here I’ll cover the steps I have found for creating and sharing code between projects and with other developers. Background Workspaces: Xcode 4 introduced the concept of workspaces as containers for multiple projects. There are a couple of key behaviors of workspaces which we want to build on when choosing how to share code across projects. By default, all the Xcode projects in a workspace are built in the same directory, referred to as the workspace build directory.Xcode examines the files in the build directory to discover implicit dependencies.Each project in a workspace continues to have its own independent identity.

Schemes: Targets: Using a static library. In App Purchases: A Full Walkthrough. At first glance, adding in-app purchases seems like it would be a walk in the park. Apple provides plenty of documentation that should get developers up and running in no time. So, why is adding in-app purchases such a royal pain in the arse? Because, inevitably, something will go wrong. And when that moment arrives, you’re screwed. Apple provides a beastly amount of documentation on in-app purchases, but they don’t provide the right kind of documentation. Nowhere is there mention of the setup steps you have to take to get in-app purchases to work. You are left to flounder and flail like a wet noodle as you exhaustively try every possible solution on the web. Losing days of productivity on this is ridiculous. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Overview Ok, folks, here’s the secret to getting in-app purchases working: break it into two distinct steps: Create and fetch a product descriptionPurchase a product The first step is where you will likely run into problems. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10 Steps Using iResign to Install .ipa without Jailbreak [Download 42.12 KB] | PressByte. How to Install .IPA of iPhone Apps without Jailbreak – Mostly iPhone users need to firstly jailbreak their device in order to be able to install .IPA files.

Apple .ipa is a file format used by every iOS apps. Normally the app will automatically be downloaded and installed via iTunes without you knowing what is it like the .IPA file is. But however when it is said “.IPA” mostly will refer to a unofficial, third-party, cracked, or even unapproved apps. Where to get iPhone apps .ipa files? For you non-jailbreaker, fortunately there is a trick how to install .IPA file – of cracked, unapproved, third-party apps – without jailbreaking your iPhone. Note: This article is posted as informational purpose only without encouraging readers to use cracked apps.

Install Cracked iPhone .IPA App 1- Download the .IPA file(s) you want to install it 2- Download iResign ( file [link] 3- Get and Register UDID [link] 4- Launch iResign tool and browse for downloaded .IPA file of the app you want. TedsBlog - Creating an Air File with My Own Certificate. So I was able to use adl. This is fun, but really what I want to do is make air files. To do this, I need to use adt (the Air Development Tool), and I need a certificate. Adt Without a Certificate If you just use adt without specifying a certificate, you get an intermediate air file. The convention is to give such an intermediate file an airi extension; een if you don't, even if you call it an air file, it's still an intermediate file.

Do a adt -prepare HelloWorld.air HelloWorld-app.xml HelloWorld.swf and get Making My Own Certificate with KeyChain Access Now I tried making a certificate using my Mac's Keychain Access program. Newtricks:HelloworldplusCert ted$ adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore TedKubaska002.p12 -tsa none HelloWorld.air HelloWorld-app.xml HelloWorld.swfpassword:Unknown or invalid signature algorithm.newtricks:HelloworldplusCert ted$ Using the Sample Certificate in the Download I get a HelloWorld.air file, and if I click on it in Finder, I get Click on Install.

@renaun posts: Tips for iOS AIR Development. With the update to iOS development with AIR 2.6 developers can now package iOS applications with the same tool, called adt, that is used for desktop AIR applications. The main difference with the iOS target is that some cross compilation is happening along with the packaging. This does take some time, but another part of the iOS development time suck is getting the packaged .ipa on the device. If you are finding yourself deleting/removing your development application from iTunes or the device each time to test that application you will want to read on. The trick is to increment the versionNumber in the application descriptor file before pushing to iTunes. If the versionNumber of the application is higher then the last one in iTunes it will update when you click sync, no need to delete first. And then on Mac there are some AppleScripts that are useful to force the install and prompt to replace which if the versionNumber is higher will sync right then.

ANT approach #! <? Packaging with adt #! AUFilePlayer capabilities. An iPhone Core Audio brain dump. Twitter user blackbirdmobile just wondered aloud when the Core Audio stuff I’ve been writing about is going to come out. I have no idea, as the client has been commissioning a lot of work from a lot of iPhone/Mac writers I know, but has a lengthy review/rewrite process. Right now, I’ve moved on to writing some beginner stuff for my next book, and will be switching from that to iPhone 3.0 material for the first book later today. And my next article is going to be on OpenAL. My next chance for some CA comes whenever I get time to work on some App Store stuff I’ve got planned. So, while the material is still a little fresh, I’m going to post a stream-of-consciousness brain-dump of stuff that I learned along the way or found important to know in the course of working on this stuff. It’s hard. I didn’t come up with much (any?) How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device.

iPhone Core Audio Part 1 – Getting Started | Tim Bolstad. After I’ve been I working on a project for a while, I tend to tuck away and forget about the low level plumbing details I needed to get the project off the ground. Consequently, when I want to quickly try out a new idea in a new project, I end up wasting time remembering all of the i’s I needed to dot and t’s I needed to cross. So, as I am at the beginning of another project, I thought I would make a checklist for myself and share it with you along with a little explanation of why each step is necessary.

Hopefully it is useful for some of you out there as a “Hello World” tutorial of sorts. Core Audio is complicated, there’s no getting around it. It is capable of some amazing things, but getting a simple project started requires synthesizing a large and disparate set of concepts, documentation, mailing lists, and code samples. There are 3 basic tasks that need to be addressed to get live audio going. Let’s get started. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you don’t you will get unhelpful errors like this: