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Loop flash audio. The 5-Minute CSS Mobile Makeover. More people are surfing the Web via mobile device than ever before.

The 5-Minute CSS Mobile Makeover

It’s just so convenient to have that mobile access to anything you need. Sadly, most websites have not yet considered their mobile visitors, who probably move on to the next site before trying to make sense of a jumbled mess. Those of you who surf the Mobile Web know exactly what I’m talking about here: sites that “get it” are a joy to visit, but those that don’t are a total pain. What’s to get? Well, for one, if you do nothing else for your mobile visitors, take five minutes and implement a basic stylesheet to make your site readable via mobile device. You think I’m joking Before we begin, I feel it necessary to emphasize the serious need for millions of mobile makeovers.

Mobile screenshots of, and, Mobile screenshots of,,, and Mobile screenshots of,,, and Mobile stylesheets to the rescue No more excuses. Is Gamification Right For Your Business? 7 Things to Consider. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

Is Gamification Right For Your Business? 7 Things to Consider

This year has lent itself to a slew of new buzzwords, and gamification is easily one of the most buzzed about in the marketing industry. Businesses clamored this year to understand the concept of gamification and apply it to their digital and mobile products, offering badges and points galore ... but how many of them actually understand the point of gamifying or if it's even useful for their business goals? Dustin DiTommaso, the experience design director at design studio Mad*Pow, recently spoke about designing meaningful interactions through game design thinking during his presentation at Geekend 2011, a techie conference presented by BFG Communications. DiTommaso explained his framework for gamification and dished out seven essential steps for approaching the subject. 1. Yes, gamification is a sexy word. Get Rap and Hip Hop Instrumentals. iPad gets 83% satisfaction rating. A new study from the Software Usability Research Laboratory (SURL) shows that Apple’s iPad continues to satisfy its customers.

iPad gets 83% satisfaction rating

According to the research, 83.65 percent of respondents to the survey were satisfied with the iPad. The survey also asked to rate the user-friendliness of the device — The majority of the respondents rated the iPad as “Excellent” (62%). A smaller percentage reported it to be “Good” (21%) and “Best Imaginable” (10%). The remaining reported it to be “Fair” (4%), “Poor” (2%), or “Awful” (2%), according to SURL. Asked what they liked best about the iPad, respondents noted the variety of apps available, overall ease of use, the larger screen size, and portability. A total of 13 perent of people said they only used the iPad for work, while 52 percent said they use the device at work.

“Overall, it seems as though Apple is listening to its customers,” wrote SURL.