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Collecting example sentences. Wikipedia. Genki – Home. Go to Genki-Online [3rd Edition] Check out this new collection of video skits presenting sentence patterns studied in GENKI!

Genki – Home

The skits cover one pattern each and last just a minute or two, making them a handy tool for introducing, practicing, and reviewing key patterns. Hiragana Megane (How to Read Japanese) Japanese stories hukumusume. Use to learn Japanese Kanji or as a Japanese Dictionary. 地球人ネットワークを創るアルク:スペースアルク.

NIHONGO-JUKU. Nippon VoiceBlog. We offer Kagamimochi to God from Ganjitsu, the first day of New Year, to January 11th.

Nippon VoiceBlog

We wish happiness for New Year and decorate it. Kagamimochi is , so to speak, means something for people to open correspondence with gods.