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L’invention d’une culture populaire chez les jeunes ouvriers et ouvrières des démocraties populaires dans les années 1950. Chanpon.


Julien Lalu, Histoire politique et sociale du jeu vidéo en France de 1972 à 2012. Naissance d'une culture vidéoludique. Is exposure to media violence a public-health risk? For video game fans in the UK, this month sees the release of the much anticipated Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV.

Is exposure to media violence a public-health risk?

The earlier versions of these so-called video nasties hit the headlines when their makers were taken to task over whether the violent nature of their games provoked real-life killings. Last week the Byron Report was launched to a huge ministerial fanfare. It was commissioned by the UK Government in 2007, in response to increasing concerns about the risks to children's safety and wellbeing from exposure to harmful or inappropriate material on the internet and in video games. OMIC - L'Observatoire des Mutations des Industries Culturelles. Actualité des littératures de l'Imaginaire : fantastique, horreur, science-fiction. Notes de lecture sur les auteurs, de Roland Ernould.