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Facebook Twitter | Whose Line is it Anyway? Improv. Improv Everywhere. Improv Message Boards - Powered by vBulletin. The Groundlings. Magnet Theater - Improv Comedy Shows and Classes in New York City. The Second City - 50 Years of Funny. The Annoyance Theatre & Bar; Plays, Musicals, Improv, Sketch Comedy & Improv Classes. UCB Theatre - The Best Comedy in New York and Los Angeles.

Toronto Improv Comedy Classes and Shows | Impatient Theatre Co. | 416-238-7337. Guestpost #36: Ken Hall – Ten things I’ve learned from living as a short man with scoliosis | tenthingsivelearned. Guestpost #40: Kevin Patrick Robbins – Ten things I’ve learned from teaching improv comedy | tenthingsivelearned. CCF: We’re From Here | G.L.O.C. CCF: We’re From Here Toronto-based improv group WE’RE FROM HERE featuring G.L.O.C.s MANDY SELLERS, ADRIANNE GAGNON and ERIN GOLDSMITH will kick some ass, take some names and let people know where they’re from.

As part of the week of Charleston Comedy Festival interviews, let’s hear from WE’RE FROM HERE! We're From Here When did you ladies start working together and how did that come about? ADRIANNE: I was Erin’s first Canadian friend. Where did your name come from? A: Oh you know… this guy we met in Chicago would always name drop that he was from New York, like in every sentence he spoke! What are you currently working on? MANDY: Erin lives in Chicago and is completing her training at iO Chicago. What has your crowning achievement been together? ERIN: We were asked last minute to perform at the Toronto Improv Festival in 2009, and were told by an audience member that our show was the best improv set he had ever seen. Separately? M: This is such a tough question! E: Yes. A: Mandy and I drink. Jill bernard. DRUM MACHINE. Home | HUGE Improv Theater | 3037 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55408.

Guestpost #1: Jill Bernard – Ten things I’ve learned from opening a non-profit improv theater | tenthingsivelearned. CCF: Jill Bernard | G.L.O.C. CCF: Jill Bernard G.L.O.C. JILL BERNARD is taking her solo show DRUM MACHINE to Charleston for the Charleston Comedy Festival. Let’s hear from this Illinois native about her show, her comedic inspirations and the ups and downs of running her own theatre in Minneapolis.

Jill Bernard (photo by Katy Kessler) Where did you grow up? Downers Grove and Evanston, Illinois Was comedy in your blood at a young age? My brother remembers when I was about five I sang a little song in the bath. Who inspired you to go into comedy? I don’t think I’d be as successful as I am if my brother Dan wasn’t so funny. Did you have any other career aspirations at any point? I like to send away for brochures about nice, sensible-sounding careers, but I never do anything with them.

What was your first paid gig in comedy? I started working for ComedySportz in 1993. What was your impetus for starting your own theatre? I started a theater with my friends Butch Roy and Nels Lennes. Can you talk about Drum Machine? Like this: Jill Bernard's Small Cute Book of Improv. Jill Bernard. Sybil Solo Improvisation. DSI Comedy Theater | Improv Comedy Classes and Shows in North Carolina | 919-338-8150. NC Comedy Arts Festival.