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Present simple

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Present Simple - Quiz. GRAMMAR Simple Present by BURT on Genially. Who knows more? present simple by Céline Dangriaux on Genially.

Present simple wheels 6891

Speed cups-Present Simple by Miriam_eslteacher on Genially. As fast as you can by miriam_eslteacher credits speedcups Order the cups.

Speed cups-Present Simple by Miriam_eslteacher on Genially

Phonetics "s" / 3e pers. sing by stephaniebourson on Genially. Keep Calm and practise your pronunciation!

phonetics "s" / 3e pers. sing by stephaniebourson on Genially

"s"/s/ - /z/ - / /,ɪz,takes,makes,likes,watches,matches,uses,burns,runs,opens,Listen to the verbs and then drag them onto the corrrect boxaccording to the way the "s" is pronounced. ,rises,washes,wakes,talks,brushes,reaches,finishes,polishes,arrives,comes,starts,wins,likes,thinks,forbids,drinks,gets,goes,lends,takes,freezes,misses,wishes,plays,walks,loses,tells,cuts,dresses,lets,start,CHECK! ,Aide ce taxi à trouver le chemin pour rejoindre Big Ben ! Tu dois cliquer sur les bonnes cases : celles ou le "s" de la 3e personne du singulier se prononce /IZ/,rises,washes,wakes,talks,brushes,reaches,finishes,polishes,arrives,comes,starts,wins,likes,thinks,forbids,drinks,gets,goes,lends,takes,freezes,misses,wishes,plays,walks,loses,tells,cuts,dresses,lets,start,Check!

,Aide ce taxi à trouver le chemin pour rejoindre the London Eye !

NEW! Mercredi 28 octobre

English Present Simple Negative. Present Simple Tense by A Teachable Year on Genially. Present Simple Revision by nareluduena on Genially. Does Wilbur live in the future?

Present Simple Revision by nareluduena on Genially

,Choose the correct one:,2,Is Wilbur live in the future? ,CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION:,LEVEL 5 OUT OF 5,LEVEL 1 OUT OF 5,1,¡RIGHT! ,TRY AGAIN! ,LEVEL 2 OUT OF 5,1,¡WRONG! Pacmanglish Present Simple by Ivan Garcia on Genially. INCORRECT!

Pacmanglish Present Simple by Ivan Garcia on Genially

,LEVEL 4,TRY AGAIN! ,CORRECT! ,NEXT,LEVEL 4,3,My brother __________ in Paris,1,LIVE,LIVS,LEVEL 1,LEVEL 4,2,LIVES,WORKS,My mother _______ on Sundays,2,WORK,1,3,WORKES,QUIZ,CORRECT! Present simple by Patri_DV on Genially. Oh no!

Present simple by Patri_DV on Genially

,QuizPresent Simple,Answers,Great! ,Well done! ,I live in Madrid. Where __ you ____? A day with my big family worksheet. Present Simple online exercise for Pre-intermediate. Daily Routine (listening) worksheet. Present Simple Tense interactive worksheet.