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BloggerTheme - Blogger Templates, Tricks, Widgets. Gadżety Google do Twojej strony internetowej. Gadżety Google do Twojej strony internetowej. Static Image code generator | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Free Signature Generator | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Free Glitter Text Generator | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Html Color Codes Generator | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Twitter Badge Generator For Blogger | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Html Character EnCoder | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Blogger Tools | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Blogger Tools Advanced Blogger Templates SearchThis amazing tools and the first of it’s kind, allows you to find the exact template that you want with direct download.

Html Character EnCoderHtml Character EnCoder tool can help you to display and include html codes in your blog posts and blog comments. Twitter Static Badge GeneratorThis generator will generate you a code that you can use in your blogspot blog to add static twitter badge. Blogger Falling Objects GeneratorMake your own Falling Objects By this tool. just choose your favorite image and we’ll do the rest of work. Signature Generatorto make your very own hand writing signature. Comments will be closed off on this post 120 days after it is published. Web2PDF Online: Convert HTML to PDF for your website and blog sites. OS X Styled Sharing Dock Widget, New sharing Widget For Blogger. | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Adding Labels to blogger (blogspot) images with hovering text | Blogger Templates and Tricks. We all post images with in our posts, and some times we need to label this images, but not all of us can use graphic editors or don’t just have the time to do it, so we’ll learn in this tutorial how to label our images using a small code with out using any photo editing soft wares. you can look at the following image to see how the label will look like, If you checked the image and the text you’ll find that the text is not a part of the the image but it added on the image as a second layer, you can try to select it to make sure. the code to do it is too easy but to use it you need to know 1. 2.

Now when you going to write your post, you must notice that on the post writing window there are two modes, Compose and Edit Html. Check the following image. you’ll start write you post in Compose mode and once you want to add an image Labeled to your to your post you’ll change your posting mode to Edit Html. And enter the next code, and here is what you will need to change in the code,

Light Box ( Fancy box ) Widget For Blogger Images And Links | Blogger Templates and Tricks. We all add images and photos in our blogs. And as we all say A picture is worth a thousand words. Caution : This hack not working perfectly with blogger. so please wait until we find the best solution for this hack. I Published Fixed Tutorial Here blogspot by default enables us to add and display images in our posts, But what if we want to make our blogs photos looks more professional and stylish ?

The answer is to use this new amazing widget. Please see this demo and click on the images to see how it is working. It’s very easy to integrate this hack to your blog in only 1 step. Adding The Widget To Your Blog In One Step Caution : Please backup your template (Download Full Template) Before making any changes. Go to you blogger account, and then navigate to Layout >> Edit Html And Find the next Code.

And exactly before it add the following code. Now Please Click Save Template . Customizations And Options Display images in groups And the next one is after adding the tag. Apply It For Your Links Demo. Animated “Duck Menu” in blogger | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Amazing new duck menu now can be added for blogger blogspot animated navigation menuBlogger graphics All of us saw duck menu in windows and some where els, and we all love it and the way it moves, so it’s going to be great thing to see it again here in our blogger “blogspot” blogs. and here is live demo to try it Click here (It’ll open in a new window) and see how nice and charming is it.

We need to say here thanks to Please go to and log into your account, once you are in your account dashboard click “Layout” and then select ” edit html” at “edit html” page Make sure to check the “expand widget templates” after that we’ll start adding the codes, we’ll add 3 codes, first one, is the java code, second one is is the css and the third will control where is the menu will be displayed on your blog. so lets go to add the first code. at “edit html” page find and just after it add the next code Adding second code. Find the next code ]]></b:skin> And after it add this code. Adding favicon to blogspot | Blogger Templates and Tricks. How To add fav icon to your blogger - Codes Fixed and 100% works - 18,000+ Animated Favicons Source Added favicon is very important now it’s a nice way to put your logo, or what ever you want. on the browser address bar. if you don’t know what is the favicon.ico just look at the address bar at your browser now. and you’ll see our logo added to it on the left. you can check the above image to know what are we talking about. to do this you need to follow the next simple 4 steps. it’s too easy. so lets go. step 1: creat of choose your own icon. step 2: Make your favicon. step 3: Upload it. step 4: Add a code to your blogger xml layout. step 5: Enjoy.

Step 1: choose your own icon. once you are done and picked you icon. you’ll need to move to the next step. 18,000+ Animated Favicons Source Added That’s great and new source for free and animated icons, you won’t need to design your own icon and loos any time any more, thanks for Go there and browse. Step 2: (OR ) Make your own favicon. How To Add Images Gallery Widget With jQuery Hover / Zoom To Your Blogger. | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Customize Blogger "Read More" / "Jump Breaks" Links With image Buttons, Text And Alignment. | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Hi dear friend, I promised you in a previous tutorial, here ” Blogger Now officially Supports “Read more” links. ” that i’ll add a tutorial about customizing your read more links in blogspot.

So you have to check out the previous tutorial if you are not familiar with the new blogger jump breaks addition. Now is the time for this tutorial, after reading this tutorial you’ll be able to Customize you read more links in those ways: Change the text ” read more ” to another words.Add An Image / Button To Your “Read More / Jump Breaks ” In Blogger Links Instead Of Plain Textchoose your read more link / button to be displayed on left side, right side or center it. so lets start, Please download a copy of your template before applying any changes. First Step, You Must Do This Step this code should be included in your blogger template, <b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'><div class='jump-link'><a expr:href='data:post.url + "#more"'>Read More </a></div></b:if > And not and just after it, add the next code, 3.

Blogger Falling Objects Generator | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Add Styles And Effects To Your Images In Blogger | Blogger Templates and Tricks. Many bloggers contacted me asking about an easy way to style blogger images, all posts images with out editing every single post. so today I’ll teach you a very easy way to style and add nice effects to your all your blog images at once and no need to edit every single image at your blog. we will learn today how to : Add borders to our images.Change borders style and color.Increase and decrease the space between the image and the border.Add any background to our images as a border. and you can see the final result for this tutorial at this demo heresee the image in the post Or see this image So lets start Intro And Explanation we will style the blogspot images depending on the following css tage don’t worry, it’s very very easy and every body can do it Border there are a lot of border styles and we can change its color.

Padding the space between the border and the image. Background the background between the image and the border and we can make it a picture like the demo or just a plain color. 5px. Blogger Widgets / Add ons. Labels Categories and Tags. If you take a look at the source code for your blog, you'll probably see several references of the rel='nofollow' tag. This tag was originally created to prevent search engines from indexing links in order to reduce spam. However, this simply doesn't seem to work, even as a deterrent to would be spammers.

Spam still exists, and if anything the problem of spam is worse than ever. But the most annoying thing about the "nofollow" tag is this: it prevents legitimate, and helpful links from being indexed by three of the top search engines: Google, Yahoo and MSN. There is something we can do about this: remove the "nofollow" tags!

Why I have removed "nofollow" from my blog After much consideration, I have now removed all instances of rel="nofollow" from my blog template. I believe that it's only fair to reward those who provide useful and informative comments with a proper link back to their blog, and the same goes for those who link to my posts too! Let readers know about your Do-follow policy. Blogger News and Issues. As a dedicated Blogger enthusiast, I'm very interested to learn more about the sites hosted on Google's free blogging platform. So I decided to find out which popular sites are powered by Blogger to build upon the list curated in 2008 in order to find the most popular Blogspot sites (including those which use custom domains).

After gathering a huge amount of links to sites hosted on Blogger (whittled down to 350 for the final analysis) I set about scoring and ranking each site according to the following criteria: PagerankInbound linksAlexa RankFacebook sharesTwitter MentionsGoogle+1sGoogle Reader feed subscribers With the exception of Pagerank, these sites were scored in relation to each other, with each element scored on a scale of 1-350. Data for these rankings were gathered between July and August 2012.

Alexa ranking was scored first as this value is unique to each website. The total possible score for each website is therefore on a scale of 6-2200. 1. Kodatnik - Kody mniej lub bardziej przydatne. Wykop to serwis do którego możemy dodawać ciekawe strony. Każda dodana informacja jest oceniana i dyskutowana przez społeczność internautów. Od niej zależy czy dany wpis będzie popularny czy też nie. Jednym ze sposobów wzbogacenia Bloggera o możliwość dodawania wpisów do wykopu jest mój gadżet Podziel się.

W tym poście przedstawię drugą możliwość. Na stronie wykopywarki mamy dostępne kilka kodów, które można umieścić bezpośrednio w szablonie naszej strony. Dodałem dodatkowo umiejscowienie ikony (prawa strona - <div style='float: right;'>) oraz zamieniłem kilka znaków, które powodują błędy Bloggera. Wklejamy poniżej zmodyfikowany kod wykopu. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType ! Efekt widoczny na moim blogu. ...i wstawienie poniżej tego co poprzednio. Jeśli nie odpowiada nam duża ikona to możemy wybrać z wykopywarki kod obsługujący wersję compact.

Piszemy gadżet do Bloggera - część 2 | Kodatnik. Blogger tutorial : Outer Wrapper and styles. Blogger Buster. Pobierz załącznik. Twitter for Blogger. Blogumus: a flash animated label cloud for Blogger! "Blogumus" is an Flash based tag cloud widget which uses scripts converted from Roy Tanck's WP Cumulus plugin for Wordpress. I fell in love with Roy's original Cumulus plugin when I saw it, and simply had to learn how to convert this for use in Blogger powered blogs.

The result is the widget you can see in action at the top of this post. Hover your mouse over the Flash object to see the animation begin. In this post, I'll explain how you can add Blogumus to your own Blogger layout with ease! Update #2 (27th April 2010) Due to hosting issues, Blogumus has stopped working for those who had previously installed using these instructions. Unfortunately, this does mean you'll have to reinstall your Blogumus widget or change the URLs to the swfobject.js and tagcloud.js files in your template code in order to ensure your widget works properly again (new installations should work just fine).

And replace them with the following URLs: Sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused! A Simple Snow Effect Widget for Blogger Blogs! Here is a simple snow effect widget which you can add to your Blogger powered blog in just one click! This widget does not use images to generate the snow effect: instead it uses plain white text (full stops and apostrophes) to act as snowflakes which trickle down the page. You can see this widget in effect here on Blogger Buster over the holiday period. Click the button below to add this widget to your Blogger powered blog: This widget was created using the Snow Effect Without Images script by Kurt Grigg which is distributed by Dynamic Drive. This widget has been tested in both IE and Firefox and also in complex Blogger templates which use many other JavaScripts.

Unlike other snow effect scripts, this simple non-image based widget works just fine! I hope you enjoy using this festive decorative widget in your Blogger blogs!