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Swarm Racer. Swarm Racer 3000 In Development!

Swarm Racer

A prototype of Swarm Racer 3000 is available for any Lexaloffle customers. Log in and check your My Games page to get download links for Mac, Linux or Windows. If you need to activate purchases from the Humble Store, see this thread. Homepage. GAME DESIGN by JONATAN SÖDERSTRÖM. The eyes of mankind has decided to leave their hosts and take over the earth.


Their first move was to escape to the moon, where they developed their hostile weapon technology. Ten years later they return and forcefully take over some prominent countries in Asia. Thailand and New Korea has both succumb to the hostile threat, while China insists on dealing with the eyes themselves and refuses any helping hands from around the world. America sends a pair of pilot twins with extroardinary sixth senses to battle against the evil eyes. Intuition Games » Fig. 8.