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German Script Tutorial - Welcome. Federation Haute-Alsace. Adfontes. Moravian Links. L'Allemand Gothique. Examples of German Script. This is the old German Scripth alphabet.

Examples of German Script

Each letter has an upper case version first followed by a lower case. The alphabet is the same an american english except for the 'beta' letter after 's' which stands for a double 's' typically. (See: ) Here is another script example with the lower case letters all given first then the upper case letters in sequence. German Church Records Abbreviations: German language, alphabets and pronunciation.

German is a Germanic language with about 121 million speakers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Belgium, Italy, France, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Australia, South Africa and Namibia.

German language, alphabets and pronunciation

The earliest known examples of written German date from the 8th century AD and consist of fragments of an epic poem, the Song of Hildebrand, magical charms and German glosses in Latin manuscripts. A short Latin-German dictionary, the Abrogans, was written during the 760s. German literature started to take off during the 12th and 13th centuries in the form of poems, epics and romances. Paleografie gids Willem Bogtman : un album.