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Comic Sans Criminal - There's help available for people like you! Cannot find the damn server. Snuggie 2.0. Study Ball | Gadget | Gear - StumbleUpon. Explaining when I was 13 to a 13 year old.


Baby.gif (611×755) Videos. Pictures. If Google Search Results Had A Sense Of Humor. What it would look like if Google Search results had a sense of humor. posted 02/24/2011 Ever wondered what would happen if Google Search was an even bigger wiseass than you? ran a brilliant contest to see who could come up with the most insulting, shocking, and delightfully cruel notions for how this would play out. These are our favorites, with plenty more here. "If Movie Posters Told The Truth" list. You Can Always Leave at the Break - GraphJam: Music and Pop Culture in Char... Instagram Quote Rebuttals / Hipster Edits. About Hipster Edits (a.k.a. Instagram Quote Rebuttals") are a series of image macros typically designed to ridicule “profound monologue” photos.

It consists of a picture, usually taken with Instagram feature and hence the term “Hipster Edit”, an ostensibly meaningful quote and a buzzkilling remark denoted underneath in red text. It can be seen as a mockery of hipster culture in similar vein to Hipster Kitty and Hipster Ariel. Origin Artistic photographs with profound quotes have been circulating online prior to emergence of this series, most notably through online art communities and blog platforms like LiveJournal and DeviantArt.

Self-uploaded vanity shots of emo, hardcore and hipster youths have been a staple subject of internet humor since the late 2000s, further boosted by the launch of Tumblr blog “Look At This Fucking Hipster” and Demotivational Posters. Spread Notable Examples Non-Photographic Variations Depressed Copywriter Search Interest External References. George's Humour - Some Children Are Quick.