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Traffic Web Services - RSS API v1. Yahoo! Is shutting down the Traffic Rest API and the Traffic RSS Feed. There is no transition to a new or existing Yahoo! Traffic API at this time. Although the current APIs are going away, we will announce improvements to our Maps APIs in early 2011, which will include updated traffic features. The Traffic Web Services from Yahoo! Traffic Web Services are also available through the Traffic REST API. Creating a Dynamic Feed The dynamic Traffic RSS feed begins with the base RSS URL: To this URL, add parameters to customize the feed for your location or application. For the traffic alerts in and around Yahoo! See Request Parameters for the available dynamic feed parameters. Yahoo! Request parameters Response Elements The Traffic RSS response is an XML document that conforms to the RSS 2.0 specification.

Top-Level Element. Amplify - Amplify: the Meaning Platform. Fairfax County, Virginia. Route Selector - CUE.