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Phoebe | ~ a Journal of Literature and Art since 1971~


Literary. Movies. Escapist Magazine's Fiction Edition. Turns three years old this summer, and during those three years we've profiled game industry giants, interviewed superstars, chronicled the rise and fall of countless studios, lauded our favorite games, examined cultural trends in exhaustive detail, reviewed innumerable titles and introduced the world to a fast-talking Brit with a chip on his shoulder.

But the one thing we've never done is fiction - until now. It may be tempting to wonder why , the bastion of high-brow cultural commentary on games and media culture, would bother with fiction. After all, until this very day, our bailiwick has been very much the non-fiction genre. Why waste our (and your) time with pulp and fantasy stories? Why indeed? As seriously as we take our videogames (And we take them pretty damn seriously. To wit: we're currently running the equivalent of a betting pool pitting developer against developer in the industry's first ever such tournament .), we're still well aware they're an occupation of the mind.