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6 Useful Coding Solutions For Designers And Developers - Smashin. Advertisement This post is the the next installment of posts featuring “Useful Coding Solutions for Designers and Developers“, a series of posts focusing on unique and creative CSS/JavaScript-techniques being implemented by talented professionals in our industry.

6 Useful Coding Solutions For Designers And Developers - Smashin

A key talent that any Web designer must acquire is the ability to observe, understand and build on other people’s designs. This is a great way to develop the skills and techniques necessary to produce effective websites. With that in mind, let’s look at some clever techniques developed and used by top professionals in the Web design industry. We can use their examples to develop our own alternative solutions. 1. Designing a timeline is one of the tasks that frequently need to be solved when it comes to the design of portfolios. How is this done? Here is the HTML: <div class="timeslot"><span>2009</span><p>Duis acsi ullamcorper humo decet, incassum validus, appellatio in qui tation roto, lobortis brevitas epulae.

And here is the CSS: Keller&#039;s list of 7 priorities should be every newsroom&#039. I often point out that the New York Times is in a very different business than the typical local/regional daily newspaper in the United States. But listening to Bill Keller tell the NYT Digital crew his list of seven "questions that loom largest to us at the moment," I'm struck by how perfectly it aligns with the key newsroom issues at every daily newspaper in America.

If you're not acutely aware of all of these, you have some homework to do. Keller's list: Where are we going with topics pages? What is the best strategy for community? Watch the video: The new rules of news. You may have noticed – you could hardly miss it – the blizzard of anniversary stories last month about the fall of Lehman Brothers, an event that helped spark last year's financial meltdown.

The new rules of news

The coverage reminded me that journalists failed to do their jobs before last year's crisis emerged, and have continued to fail since then. It also reminds me of a few pet peeves about the way traditional journalists operate. So here's a list of 22 things, not in any particular order, that I'd insist upon if I ran a news organization. 1. We would not run anniversary stories and commentary, except in the rarest of circumstances. 2. 3. 4. 5. . - If we were a local newspaper, the editorial pages would publish the best of, and be a guide to, conversation the community was having with itself online and in other public forums, whether hosted by the news organization or someone else. - Editorials would appear in blog format, as would letters to the editor. 6. 7. 8.

Participatory Panopticon: The Official Version.