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Unite - Opera Developer Community. Gridnite part 3: saving and restoring multiple spreadsheets By Slava Vishnyakov · Thursday, January 14, 2010 3 This article is the third to look at developing Gridnite, an Opera Unite-powered multiuser collaborative spreadsheet application written by Slava Vishnyakov.

Unite - Opera Developer Community

In this article Slava adds further functionality to the application to allow us to save and restore multiple spreadsheets. Read more… Rapid application development using the Opera Unite Yusef library By Shwetank Dixit · Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7 Yusef is a framework for Opera Unite applications that provides ready-made solutions to problems such as form validation, access control, UI templating, and more. In this article we look at how to use Yusef and its plugins for rapid development of application features such as access control and consistent templates. Opera Unite developer’s primer — revisited By Hans S. Taking the Web into our own hands, one computer at a time. My name is Lawrence Eng , and, as a product analyst for Opera Software, my job is to understand our users and what they need, so we can serve them better.

Taking the Web into our own hands, one computer at a time

Today, I will share my thoughts on Opera Unite, a new Opera technology that I’m extremely excited about. I’ve been an avid Opera user since 2001 and have seen the numerous innovations Opera has introduced to dramatically improve the experience of Web browsing. Of all the new features we’ve introduced over the years, none of them have filled me with as much anticipation as Opera Unite. This technology is a radical first step towards addressing what I call “the Internet’s unfulfilled promise”, which is about our ability to connect with each other and participate meaningfully online—on our own terms, and without losing control of our data. If you haven’t already, download the new Opera Unite builds available, and start playing. Update: Opera Unite is now part of the Opera browser. Let us know what you think! 1. 2. 3. Take a peek into the future. Fast, lean and powerful.

Take a peek into the future

Meet Opera Dragonfly — our fully-featured suite of developer tools, designed to make your job easier. It’s just a right-click away. No install required. Built-in Opera Dragonfly is built right into the browser and updates automatically behind the scenes. Fully loaded A full suite of tools puts you in control. Cross-device Develop for mobile, tablet or TV? Tip: Open pages in Firefox and Internet Explorer directly from O. There are times unfortunately that a certain webpage won’t render properly in Opera, be it as a result of an Opera bug, a bug with the website code, or browser sniffing. Spoofing or masking the browser’s identity (User Agent) often helps, however opening the page in Firefox or Internet Explorer (IE) is sometimes a quicker solution. One of the neat features of Opera is the ability to create custom “drag ‘n’ drop” buttons for you to add onto the toolbar. Drag (using the left mouse button) the buttons below to your toolbar. These buttons will open the current page in Firefox and IE.

I use these buttons often for testing and debugging webpages outside of Opera. (Drag button to toolbar — Open in Firefox) (Drag button to toolbar — Open in Internet Explorer) Note: You could easily remove these (or any other toolbar button) by right-clicking on the button, and clicking no ’Remove from toolbar’. ( Custom buttons via Rijk ) 14 diggs digg.