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Facebook Twitter Goodreads | A Book Community. Gameplaywright - Story + Games. Sample Reality - a blog about new media, literature and various. Writer Response Theory - a blog and podcast dedicated to discuss. I was reading Steven B. Johnson’s Wired Magazine post “Why No One Clicked on the Great Hypertext Story” about the failed hype of hypertext today and just had to respond, partly because the magazine did not allow comments, a feature I’ve come to expect from online reading), partly because, well, I was there.

As I Tweeted shortly after reading it, when Johnson writes about the revolution that didn’t happen, the hypertext wonderland prophesied by George Landow, Robert Coover, and yes, Michael Joyce himself, he certainly does capture a portrait of a moment of unrestrained prognostication, but I believe he misses the mark. I remember being a starry-eyed undergraduate at Brown in 1993 and attending Robert Coover’s Unspeakable Acts, Unnatural Practices conference (seduced by flashing lights and literary superstars).

And then I remember watching the dream of hypertext disappear as Storyspace became something included on syllabi of literary historians rather than for experimental writing. Aram Zucker-Scharff's deviantArt page. Mason's MFA Fiction Program Unoffical Blog. Phoebe - the Grad Lit Journal for George Mason University. Read, Write & View - a blog about writing for convergence.