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Model and Solve Math Word Problems. Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. Illustrativemathematics. Illustrated Standards Count to 100 by ones and by tens.


(see illustrations) Model Curriculum: Mathematics (K-12) Mathematics (K-12) REVISED Model Curriculum – June 2014 The model curriculum is intended as a tool to support districts in their own curricular planning.

Model Curriculum: Mathematics (K-12)

During its development, teams of educators used all available information about the Common Core State Standards and PARCC to appropriately organize and sequence the standards across five units. Since the model curriculum's original development, PARCC has released the Evidence Tables for grades 3 through Algebra II ( The evidence tables indicate which evidence statements and standards will be assessed on the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) occurring at approximately 75% of the school year and which will be tested on the End of Year (EOY) assessment.

In response to this release, the model curriculum underwent a revision to ensure that standards occurring on the PBA were addressed in the first four units of the curriculum. Dr. Nicki's Guided Math Blog. Login. Marblemania.