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The Truth Lies Beneath the Lies - My House Fan Fiction Rec List, Part Two: House/Chase I – Q. Warning: Tentacles - Handful of Sterek Recs. Warning: Tentacles - Sterek recs. Warning: Tentacles - Morning Teen Wolf recs. Warning: Tentacles - Teen Wolf recs. Swing_set13: I have a plan for that - My Teen Wolf Derek/Stiles Fic Recs. Echoes of Yesterday - dreamdustmama - Merlin (BBC. The television is blaring loudly in the room next to his. From the exaggerated moans and fake cries of more, harder, fuck yeah just like that he can tell it's cheaply made porn that the motel is probably charging way too much for. Arthur sits on his bed, leaning back against the headboard with one leg stretched out in front of him and the other bent at the knee.

His arm rests on that knee, a lit cigarette dangling from his fingers as blue-grey smoke curls from the tip and floats toward the stained ceiling. His own television is on, the pictures flashing brightly in the midnight-dark of his room. The sound is muted and he thinks maybe it's playing some old movie, but since he doesn't recognize it he doesn't care.

There's a lot he doesn't care about these days. His gun, Excalibur, is beside him on the bed, loaded and ready—just in case. He doesn't even think about it anymore. Arthur closes his eyes and leans his head back against the headboard. Except for Merlin. Oh, he thinks. "Missing? " The Duo Of Awesome. Famous Last Words - JenNova - Teen Wolf. Relax, Cupcake! -=- Kirk/Spock Recs. A fortress of blankets - Spock/Kirk list of recs. This is a list of stories that I like in the Star Trek xi fandom. There are also some rec lists by other people listed here too. Most of them are Spock/Kirk. There are some with no pairings, and I generally avoid het - I prefer slash. . - rec list by fandom slut - rec list by terra lily - Breaking point, Jealous! - Ragdall's master fic list - everything is lovely - all her fics are wonderful - recs list by avictoriangirl - WIP, waiting for chapter 25 - Deaged!

- finished, Once Upon a time - Jim is transported into a parallel universe where Spock is the prince of the Vulcan Kingdom. Nevoreiel: Fic: OCA2 (or You're Groovy, Let's Screw) [Charles/Erik; NC-17] I don't post for months and then I come back with porn. Ah, what is my life... Don't answer that. IRL friends, you may want to shield your eyes. Title: OCA2 (or You're Groovy, Let's Screw)Fandom: X-Men: First ClassPairing: Charles/ErikRating: NC-17Warnings/kinks: first time, facial, bare-backing (for historical accuracy... obviously), and porn porn porn.Word Count: 3,446Summary: Charles thinks he's suave.

He's not. Erik wants him anyway.Note: Written for a prompt at 1stclass_kink . "Do you know, the mutation of your OCA2 gene is very beautiful," Charles says in between contemplative mouthfuls of scotch. "I'm sorry, but what? " For a moment Charles watches the tendons of his forearm shift, the tattoo just visible, until his focus goes soft and he realises he's been asked a question. Erik blinks then nods agreeably. Charles smiles his most disarming smile. "Well, thank you," Erik says. It may be Charles' imagination, but Erik sounds amused. "Of course not. " "Ah, too late," Erik sighs. End. Zamwessell - The One About The Turtleneck (1/5) Pairing: Erik/CharlesRating: PG-13, so far, but knowing me eventually NC-17Disclaimer: I own no one and nothing.Summary: Charles decides to borrow one of Erik's turtlenecks.

Things quickly get out of hand.Part Two is here. Charles knew that this was not a very good idea. Yet it was with a certain triumph that he pulled the turtleneck snug over his head and regarded himself in the mirror. It was too big for him, too long for his torso. Then Erik emerged from the washroom and he froze. “Charles?” “Hello,” Charles said. “Do you need more clothes?” “I – Hank suggested that I might benefit from a change of wardrobe,” he muttered, and this sounded even lamer than the first excuse. “Ah,” Erik said. Fuck. You couldn’t very well say, “I was just taking this to sleep in.” “All right,” he said, and he knew he was blushing. “Good,” Erik said, grinning at him as though he’d just discovered something else to do with his power that hadn’t occurred to him before. “Where’s Sean?” “Still asleep,” Alex said.

1stclass_kink: Prompt Post: ROUND ONE. Fools Rush In - Chapter 1 - LoveSupreme - X-Men: First Class (2011) Get it Here - Moonshadow Woman recs. Fuck Yeah Merlin Fanfic - I Love, Love, Love this blog!