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Vector Conflict: The Siege. DigYourOwnGrave High Scores: If a game is exclusive to Dig Your Own Grave or uses the Mochi Bridge, the high scores are submitted through the game itself. Alternatively, scores can be submitted via screenshots. The authenticity of the screenshots is moderated by the user community. *** PLEASE NOTE: Screenshot based submissions are currently closed for all games! A magnifying glass means the score was submitted via screenshot. Click on it to view the screenshot the user submitted as proof of their score. If you believe the screenshot is invalid, suspicious, or does not accurately represent the score entered, then click this dispute link to have an administrator inspect the entry. This icon means that a highscore has been flagged by another user as requiring inspection, and it is currently awaiting moderation by an administrator.

If a score has no icon, it means that it was submitted directly though the game. Play Vector Conflict: The Siege, a free online game on Kongregat. Level Up!

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Noticings : the game of noticing things around you. Every day the same dream - molleindustria. IT Manager 3: Unseen Forces - Intel - Intel. The Company of Myself. TimeWasters -- Download Squad. Sushi Cat 2 is a fantastically fun feline feeding frenzy follow-up by Lee Mathews on February 9, 2011 at 05:30 PM Sushi Cat was one of the most addictive Time Wasters I played last year, both on my desktop and my iPod touch. Now, thanks to the the crew at Armor Games, there's now a sequel to the cat vs. sushi Pachinko-style madness.

Sushi Cat 2 is every bit as addictive as the original, and it's also got some fun new tweaks. One thing I noticed right off is that your plus-size kitty no longer gets wedged... 12 favorite Time Wasters from 2010 to kick off your 2011 gaming! By Lee Mathews on December 31, 2010 at 12:00 PM 2010 has come to a close, and that means it's time for us to kill what little remains of your final Friday productivity with a look back at some of our best Time Wasters. Flight is a paper plane-flinging Time Waster by Lee Mathews on December 28, 2010 at 01:00 PM Who doesn't like folding and chucking paper airplanes?

By Lee Mathews on December 22, 2010 at 01:00 PM Ah, Pokemon. Play Enigmata. Pastel Stories.