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Mobile. PeerJS - Peer-to-peer data in the web browser. Reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework. IDBWrapper: A Cross Browser IndexedDB Wrapper for Offline Web Apps. Jens Arps has been working on IDBWrapper, a JavaScript library that wraps the IndexedDB API and makes it much easier to work with.

IndexedDB is very low level and perhaps one of the hardest browser APIs to deal with, so various wrappers are necessary to make it useful to most people. IndexedDB is a JavaScript API found currently in Firefox, Chrome, and IE10 that implements a client side data store for web applications. It stores data locally similar to localStorage, but can store much larger chunks of data and is asynchronous and much faster. It was created after Mozilla refused to implement the now dead WebSQL spec over interoperability concerns of the unspecified SQL language itself. At the time, all browsers implementing WebSQL used the opensource SQLite project so interoperability wasn’t a concern, but Mozilla feared that non-opensource browsers would have to use a different SQL implementation and that there would be differences.


What’s so great about JavaScript Promises? Tl;dr – The Parse JavaScript SDK now returns jQuery-compatible Promises from most asynchronous methods. Read on to learn what that means. “Promises” represent the next great paradigm in JavaScript programming. But understanding why they are so great is no simple matter. At its core, a Promise represents the result of a task, which may or may not have completed.

In the new Promise paradigm, that same code would look like this: Not much different, right? Imagine you’re writing code to log in, find an object, and then update it. That’s getting pretty ridiculous, and that’s without any error handling code even. Ah! The code samples above left out error handling for simplicity, but adding it back reiterates what a mess the old callback code could be: Because promises know whether they’ve been fulfilled or failed, they can propagate errors, not calling any callback until an error handler is encountered.

There are plenty of implementations of promises available to developers. 25 Useful JavaScript Libraries And Tools. A huge number of web designing and development tool is available on the web, making it really tough to find the good ones that actually work. Many not-so-popular tools are also present which are really nice but don’t get the deserved attention because they are lost in the crowd! This is where lists of specific type of tool and collections come in handy, as they provide you information in a brief and compact way regarding the best popular and the not-so-popular tools at one place. We have history of always bringing you some really cool collections and roundups of some of the best web designing and development resources available out there which can help you enhance your productivity and achieve your targets easily and quickly. We have compiled a list of 25 Useful JavaScript Libraries And Tools.

Here goes the list.. dynamo.js Advertisement This one provides you a handy way of making dynamic bits of HTML and adding subtle effects to your content to make it more attractive. stroll.js Holder.js. Box2d-jquery by Hey ... is sponsoring Europe 2013 RaspberryPi 4 Pull-Requests Challenge! Palais Liechtenstein, Vienna Austria 22nd/23rd February 2013 that's why we coded. Collie - High Performance Animation Library for Javascript.

Dollar. jQuery.parallax. Download git clone Instantiation jQuery( '.parallax-layer' ).parallax( options ); What does jquery.parallax do? jParallax turns nodes into absolutely positioned layers that move in response to the mouse. With a bit of CSS you can either set up windows to see these layers through, or leave them free to roam about. The diagram on the right illustrates what jParallax does to the html: and here's a demonstration with some images: More demos demos/index.html demos/stalkbuttons.html - multiple parallax. demos/remotecontrol.html - parallax by remote control. demos/thumbnails.html - beautiful interactive thumbnails. demos/target.html - demonstrates how smoothly jParallax handles window resizing. Using jParallax The default behaviour of jParallax is to show the whole width of a layer in response to the mouse travelling the whole width of the mouseport.

There are various ways to style jParallax effectively. Options Layer Options Events.