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Зажись - DON'T WAKE UP THE PROGRAMMER! I started to receive request for English version of this little essey I posted some time ago to my diary.I won't be able to literally translate it for you as I'm lazy.


I'll just try to tell this story again in English with the promise to be as close as I can to original one. It was a long time ago since I started to think of a ways how can I explain to different sorts of people just how the programmers work. To the people that aren't involved in any similar sort of activity or simply NOT programmers, NOT Software Developers as they are called these days. What happens in that geek mind when his eyes seem to be staring at the monitor and fingers sporadically cluttering over the keyboard ?

I found it difficult - if not entirely impossible - to explain that sort of thing to just anybody.The whole human population seems to be split apart into those who do know how it works and those who don't have any idea. Choosing an Ajax toolkit - part II - jQuery. As a continuation of my earlier post on Ajax toolkits , I’d like to talk about jQuery.

Choosing an Ajax toolkit - part II - jQuery

Over-all I am very impressed with jQuery and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it. Extending bases classes.