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The SOA implications of Oracle's BEA purchase. This fall, leaves will turn bright colors in New England, Americans will elect a new president and what Oracle Corp. plans to do with BEA Systems Inc. after the $8.5 billion acquisition When you register, you'll begin receiving targeted emails from my team of award-winning writers. Our goal is to keep you informed on recent service-oriented architecture (SOA) and SOA-related topics such as integration, governance, Web services, Cloud and more. closes may be clearer. Until then little is certain beyond the "do-the-math" facts that BEA shareholders, led by investor Carl C. Icahn, will make money on the sale and Oracle, led by CEO Larry Ellison, expects to make money from BEA's continuing software licenses and sales. At a teleconference to announce the deal on Wednesday, Ellison said Oracle expects BEA software sales and license fees to increase Oracle's earnings per share by one to two cents per share in the first 12 months after the deal closes.

Geronimo: Are its days numbered? » Oracle’s double standards | Irregular Enterprise | Oracle has (allegedly) invited 30 bloggers to its Oracle OpenWorld event. Yay - they get the value of independent analysis...or do they? Check Jake Kuramoto's blog on the topic: Oracle has extended an invitation to leaders in the blogging community, who can come experience the pageantry of an entire city block covered by a huge tent (oh and the conference). Qualified bloggers can register for OpenWorld as “Press“.

I know that Oracle PR has sent invitations to a number of the Irregulars. We’re not picking up travel costs or expenses, sorry. Am I supposed to be grateful? You will get access to the entire week’s events What about access to the execs? Today, SAP has direct conversations with bloggers who are interested in enterprise issues. I raised this issue with my Irregular colleagues and Vinnie Mirchandani picked up the baton publicly on Jake's site. SAP attempts to buy your loyalty. Perhaps Jake and Justin's relationship with PR is not as wholesome as it could be. As to the outcomes?