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Alarm Pillow by Seung Jun Jeong & Yanko Design. Alarm Clocks Are So Redundant…. It’s time to move on and discard phone alarms and clocks! This is the new age people; we need cooler and hipper gear like this Alarm Pillow! It gently vibrates at the given hour, to wake you up with a buzz. And if you don’t get out of the bed, your head-weight acts as the snooze trigger. How awesome is that!

The label-trigger is clever and fitting, I so need this for my sleepyhead daughter! HackerThings: Products for the discerning hacker. You can now create dubstep with your body. Dubstep is already a style of music that tremors through your entire body so I can’t imagine how it would feel to literally create the electronic music with your movements.

The V Motion Project could be the future of music. The visual instrument was collectively created by musicians, dancers, programmers, designers and animators from Assembly, a company of aesthetic thinkers. The program uses XBox Kinect to capture movement and translate it into music. Your movements are then projected onto a gigantic screen so you can see exactly what your Matrix-style conducting looks like. This is probably one of the cooler things I’ve seen in a while. Guitar Hero and Rock Band are certainly fun but I predict this electronic music-dance program to be the future of your foreseeable Friday nights (whenever they turn it into a convenient XBox game of course).

Incredible Futuristic Concept Creations. Nick Kaloterakis, is an extremely talented Sydney based illustrator and CG designer. His stunning futuristic concept creations are often featured in Popular Science Magazine. When I came across his work on the website I found myself instantly fascinated and had to share his creative designs with you. His creations of what the future has in store for us will simply blow you away. His amazing works range from futuristic cities and artificial intelligence all the way to state of the art jet fighter planes.I have put together an amazing collection of his artwork for you to view, hope you enjoy!

Daily Design. - StumbleUpon. Device: Gear finder by Bob van den Ende. Imagine. With this device you never lose your keys or wallet. Stick a RFID sticker on the items that you often lose. The device then detecs your things. Unfortunately it’s still a concept. Tags: conceptgadget. In Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project. The Scale of the Universe 2. Discovery. Foundation Official Song. Crash Space: Lasers, 3D Printers, and the Hacker Ethos. While we're eating the biggest burgers and visiting the RV Hall of Fame, the real point of the Edge of Progress Tour is to meet and interview some of the most innovative thinkers in the cities we're visiting.

This is the fourth of those interviews. Crash Space is located in a house so unassuming that you probably wouldn't notice it unless there were motion-triggered noisemakers that went off as you walk by, which there sometimes are. Officially it's a member-supported workspace, but in reality it's every kid's fantasy: a clubhouse where you can shoot off lasers and build rockets and take apart neat-looking electronics. Sean Bonner, one of the co-founders of Crash Space (along with Carlyn Maw and Tod Kurt, who also appear in the video), wanted to create a communal environment where people who might otherwise be tinkering at home in their garages could come together and share ideas.

The atmosphere is one of experimentation, creativity, and, most of all, fun. Intermission: Mullet Guy Whistles, Blows Minds. Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011. Download the PDF of these ideas : Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 (2mb) [ New American Public Art ]