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Visual Storytelling

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Visual Storytelling: Unique Ways to Create Infographics for Content... We are visual learners by nature, and the majority of us learn and retain information better through images than with text alone.

Visual Storytelling: Unique Ways to Create Infographics for Content...

While this doesn’t necessarily mean we limit ourselves to picture books and the Sunday comics, visual media, especially infographics, have taken on a serious role in content marketing. Using a combination of familiar icons and images, plus a small amount of text, marketers can create infographics that convey a complex concept or explain a detailed relationship. If you think about it, you’ll find that infographics have actually been around for thousands of years, dating back to cave paintings and primitive maps. Well-Known and Recognizable While most recently becoming popular online, infographics have appeared in television news programs, traffic signs, public transit systems, and even financial reports for years.

Content Challenges But content creation can be challenging, and there are many ways to create infographics for a content marketing strategy. Placement. We live in a Visual World. The Power of Visual Content. Visuals and Storytelling. Visual and Storytelling are powerful ways to create good and interesting content which is fun to read and easy to memorize.

Visuals and Storytelling

To illustrate this let’s start with a simple experiment: Memorize and repeat the following sentence. You can read it as often as you like: Two legs sat on three legs eating no legs when along came four legs and stole no legs from two legs. When four legs ran off with no legs, two legs picked up three legs and threw it at four legs until four legs brought no legs back. If you accomplished this little exercise there are two possible outcomes: You had problems. Most of us are not actively using the right brain hemisphere. If you memorized the sentence quickly you most likely saw pictures of the story in your mind. Kathy Sierra, the author of many computer book best-sellers and the primary author of the very popular (but for very sad reasons retired…) Creating Passionate Users blog, explains it like this: Pictures AND Words Comics Charts and Graphs Mind Maps.

Data Scientists Draw Pictures and Tell Short Stories. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Data Scientists Draw Pictures and Tell Short Stories

Rose Business Technologies has three (3) rules of effective business communication: 1) be brief; 2) be blunt; 3) be gone. This is good counsel for data scientists. The goal of data science is to make life, business and government better. This means communicating data science effectively and data scientists need to learn to draw pictures and tell stories so laypeople can understand actionable insights quickly and easily to make better decisions. Communicating insights in a timely and understandable manner to decision makers, at all levels, is a learned skill. For example, I received a call from the leadership of a large retail client complaining that a data scientist was unable to communicate results in a way that was understood by the consumers of the data science (a team of sixty plus marketing professionals).

Data scientists must learn how to communicate the meaning contained in data in short stories with data visualization. The Basics of Emotional Design. Have you ever thought what makes things ‘good’ or ‘bad’?

The Basics of Emotional Design

Why do people like one thing and hate others? Aarron Walter has found the answer to this question and you can find it in his book “Designing for Emotions“. I have read this book and would like to share a few secrets with you on how to use knowledge about emotions in website creation and in the promotion of your products and services. To understand the issue better you can watch Don Norman’s video "3 Ways Good Designs Make You Happy" , one more experienced specialist in this field. We face a huge number of generic and repetitive website designs but monotony is definitely not the best tool to attract customers.

Often all the attempts of website creators to stand out from the crowd break down. Recommended Reading: 30 Quick Ideas to Make your Website Look Nicer Key Elements of Emotional Design The answer is quite simple (like all genius things are), you should evoke positive emotions, emotions like: Human Nature MailChimp Netbluez OurBabyBox. Visual Facilitation to help creativity.