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Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: "Sussex physicists find simple solution for quantum technology challenge" Home > Press > Sussex physicists find simple solution for quantum technology challenge Abstract: A solution to one of the key challenges in the development of quantum technologies has been proposed by University of Sussex physicists. Brighton, UK | Posted on October 28th, 2014 In a paper published today (28 October) in Nature Communications, Professor Barry Garraway and colleagues show how to make a new type of flexibly designed microscopic trap for atoms.

Quantum technology devices, such as high-precision sensors and specialised superfast computers, often depend on harnessing the delicate interaction of atoms. The Sussex team, in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde, have now shown that a new technique involving electromagnetic induction could be the solution. Professor Garraway says: "Our findings are significant because future quantum technologies will depend on confining and manipulating cold atoms.

For more information, please click here Copyright © University of Sussex. Le Do It Yourself est-il le prochain vecteur d’innovation. L’explosion des kits de développements hardware pour les objets connectés low-cost donne naissance à une génération de "makers" aussi innovante que la R&D traditionnelle. L’ère des kits de programmation low-cost Parmi ces kits, on retrouve notamment MbientLab qui surfe sur la vague des objets connectés avec les smartphones. L’idée centrale du projet est de laisser ouverte la possibilité de créer une carte mère qui puisse servir comme un prototype pour des wearables sortis de l’imagination des clients – qui se trouvent être, aussi, des "makers". Car bien que les wearables se vendent très chers, la technologie qui permet de tracer les données émises par le corps humain est désormais standardisée. De fait plusieurs capteurs furent ajoutés au kit hardware low-cost, des boutons, des capteurs météorologiques, des RGB LED.

Sachant que les éléments, séparément, sont bon marché, les deux fondateurs de MbientLab ont du sélectionner a priori les plus petits dénominateurs communs au kit principal. Artificial neural network. An artificial neural network is an interconnected group of nodes, akin to the vast network of neurons in a brain. Here, each circular node represents an artificial neuron and an arrow represents a connection from the output of one neuron to the input of another. For example, a neural network for handwriting recognition is defined by a set of input neurons which may be activated by the pixels of an input image. After being weighted and transformed by a function (determined by the network's designer), the activations of these neurons are then passed on to other neurons. This process is repeated until finally, an output neuron is activated. This determines which character was read.

Like other machine learning methods - systems that learn from data - neural networks have been used to solve a wide variety of tasks that are hard to solve using ordinary rule-based programming, including computer vision and speech recognition. Background[edit] History[edit] Farley and Wesley A. Models[edit] or both. Anticiper l’innovation en 2014 avec le Hype Cycle de Gartner. Bonjour et bonne matinée ! Vous le savez peut-être, chaque année depuis 2005, le groupe Gartner publie une nouvelle version de son « hype cycle ». Il s’agit d’une analyse des principales technologies émergentes qui sont ensuite positionnées sur un cycle des tendances.

C’est un rapport annuel décrivant les tendances ou « émergences », à 2 ans, à 5 ans et même à 10 ans. Un rapport intéressant donc même si je vous invite toujours à prendre du recul face à tout cela et à ne garder que ce qui vous touche le plus. Pour vous résumer cela simplement, le Hype Cycle est une représentation à un instant donné des technologies en vogue sur un graphique : le cycle des tendances. L’actualité récente modifie certains enjeux et l’innovation s’en ressent. C’est assez simple… le Hype Cycle comprend 5 phases : “Technology Trigger” — La première phase d’un “Hype Cycle” correspond à l’arrivée sur le marché d’un nouveau produit ou d’une nouvelle technologie. Merci Tania pour la mise à jour. 8 Ways to Identify Unmet Customer Needs: Measuring Usability. Jeff Sauro • September 23, 2014 Innovation can't be legislated. It can't be bought. Where does it come from? Innovation comes from identifying customers' needs and meeting them.

Easy to understand. Hard to do. Companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Intuit understand this--and they're doing it. Want to know where to put your innovation efforts? Existing data: Sometimes the solution is sitting right in front of you. The Future of Existential Psychology: Humanistic Psychology’s Chief Task: To Reset Psychology on its Rightful Existential Base | The New Existentialists. Posted on 14 Feb | 3 comments Photo by NASA. While some in the field continue to believe that psychology proceeds purely on the basis of positivistic science (e.g., Baker, McFall, & Shoham, 2008), I contend that this is patently naïve. Psychology was and probably always will be a philosophically based discipline. In this light, the field of psychology has actually been “reset” many times over its relatively brief 100-year history, and this resetting has had as much to do with philosophical fashion as it has had to do with empirical evidence (see Kuhn, 1962).

The first time the field was reset was at the point where its standing as an explicit philosophy was replaced by its “formalization” as an explicit laboratory science. This was the time when Wilhelm Wundt and his colleagues began basing psychology on the experimental method (or the philosophical approach of natural science) to evaluate laboratory findings. So where does that bring us to at present? Consider the following: «L'économie circulaire» est à la mode. Mais est-elle vraiment positive? Préserver l'environnement, resserrer les liens sociaux, augmenter la convivialité: les initiatives fourmillent pour sortir –un peu– d'une économie productiviste et où le marketing est loi.

Mais attention aux fausses bonnes idées! Après le «développement durable», l'«économie verte», s'ouvre désormais l'ère de l'«économie circulaire». Quésaco? L'économie circulaire, pour faire simple, est une économie où les activités sont organisées de telle sorte que les déchets des uns deviennent les ressources des autres. L'économie circulaire est à la mode. Si la notion d'économie circulaire est simple à comprendre, elle recouvre de nombreux sujets: il s'agit tout d'abord d'écoconcevoir –autrement dit de mettre au point des produits peu gourmands en matières non renouvelables, durables (finie l'obsolescence programmée) et facilement recyclables.

L'économie circulaire remet aussi au goût du jour des pratiques largement oubliées: les circuits courts, par exemple. Cécile Desaunay Catherine Bernard. L’écologie au secours des Business Models. Le célébrissime festival « Burning Man » (BM pour les intimes) s’est achevé début Septembre. Pendant 10 jours, c’est une expérience unique et hors du commun qui est offerte aux participants. Le succès que connait l’événement est éclatant (68 000 personnes se sont rassemblés en plein désert en 2013). Nous avons voulu décortiquer les raisons de ce succès en interrogeant quelques rescapés du festival. Si le Burning Man prône le respect et la tolérance comme tant d’autres, c’est surtout l’un des rares qui parvient réellement à faire rimer écologie avec rassemblement de masse.

Et indéniablement, cela plaît. . ► L’économie dématérialisée Une des grandes règles du Burning Man est celle de ne laisser aucune trace de son passage. Dans la même veine, pour les Business Models il s’agit de promouvoir « l’économie dématérialisée ». L’économie dématérialisée s’adresse évidemment surtout au TPE et petite PME. . ► L’économie circulaire PS :L’image de couverture a été trouvée ici. The golden opportunity of paradigm shifts | THNK. These 6 major paradigm shifts, disruptions in how we see the world and do business, present both danger, and opportunity to innovation leadership today. The leading paradigms of today are being challenged by new approaches based on different beliefs and assumptions.

New paradigms lead to new business models and production techniques, new forms of collaboration and cooperation, new forms of financing and ownership, and new forms of learning. Recognizing these paradigm shifts helps innovation leadership in discovering opportunities in a wide variety of fields and to develop game-changing business models. What are the paradigm shifts playing out in your field? What are paradigms, and how do they differ from trends? Trends are tendencies occurring in the world, shifts in our reality. A paradigm, by contrast, is a way of looking at the world. Let’s consider the megatrend about the aging of Europe’s population. There are three steps to our approach. The THNK paradigm shifts model 1. 2. 3. 4. La Silver Économie. Ce rapport « La Silver Économie, une opportunité de croissance pour la France » a été remis à Michèle Delaunay, ministre déléguée chargée des Personnes âgées et de l’Autonomie.

La Silver Économie, une opportunité de croissance pour la France En 2005, un Français sur cinq était âgé de plus de 60 ans. En 2035, la proportion sera de un sur trois. Le nombre des seniors devrait connaître une hausse de 80 %. Ce vieillissement de nos sociétés a suscité de nombreux travaux mettant en évidence les enjeux et les risques que représente une telle mutation démographique. La plupart abordent la question par l’angle sociétal ou médicosocial. Ce rapport a pour originalité de se fixer pour objet la valeur économique que peut receler le vieillissement.

On est en droit de s’interroger sur la pertinence même de la démarche. Il y aurait aujourd’hui 900 millions de personnes âgées dans le monde. Cette économie des seniors s’est déjà donnée un nom, la Silver Économie. Le rapport adopte deux partis pris. Virtual Currency. With major ecommerce players like and Square on board, Bitcoin’s on its way to becoming a serious payment method, despite its bad press.

While there may be some way to go, a booming Bitcoin startup community could further enhance Bitcoin’s appeal to both consumers and business by making Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency “safer,” easier to get, spend and profit from. While there’s over 250 Bitcoin startups to date, these 32 give you an idea of what’s shakin’ in the space. Coinbase By definition, a Bitcoin wallet is a file that stores a collection of private keys (transaction records and Bitcoin addresses), facilitating the exchange of bitcoin for an individual holder. It serves as…a Bitcoin wallet.

Bitcoin wallets may be held in the cloud or on a user’s computer. Both have risk. Though heaps of Bitcoin wallets exist, Coinbase is one of the more popular services, with over 1 million users, 25,000 merchants and 4,000 Bitcoin apps using its API. SecondMarket Vaurum Hashfast BTCJam Gyft. 3D opportunity: Additive manufacturing paths to performance, innovation, and growth. Additive manufacturing (AM) has exploded into public consciousness over the past several years.

More popularly known as “3D printing,” AM is an umbrella term for a group of technologies that creates physical products through the addition of materials (typically layer by layer) rather than by subtraction (e.g., through machining or other types of processing).1 Stories and perspectives appear in the popular press and technology blogs on a daily basis. Enthusiasts tout the prospect for AM to revolutionize manufacturing industries and the markets they serve. Skeptics point to the relatively limited number of uses and materials in current practice and to the relatively small impact these technologies have had outside of a few niches. Additive Manufacturing Defined Additive manufacturing is an umbrella term for a set of technologies and processes nearly 30 years in development. In common practice, the terms “AM” and “3D printing” are used interchangeably. 7 Ways to Play in the Sharing Economy. Amazon’s not the only threat to online retail and brands selling direct to consumer – the shift towards the “collaborative economy” has the potential to disrupt virtually any vertical, with ripple effects to other industries.

Dubbed the “next phase of social business” by Jeremiah Owyang, sharing is the new buying, and savvy sellers are exploring ways to embrace rather than escape this trend. In the collaborative economy, consumers either get what they need from each other, or they pay for access to goods and services rather than own them. And increasingly, consumers are the makers and influencers of goods in the marketplace. Ecommerce professionals need to understand if and how peer-to-peer commerce and access vs. ownership impacts their business – and how they can capitalize on it, as well as the opportunity for co-creation.

There are plenty of examples of established retailers, brands and start-ups that have caught the wave. Ownership / access models Rental Subscription / trial Marketplace. Monetization in a Sharing Economy. Melanie White | March 9, 2014 | 0 Comments inShare15 ClickZ spoke to Kurt Abrahamson, chief executive of ShareThis, to discuss the new "sharing currency" and the implications that this has for brands and marketers. At a brunch held in Austin, Texas, at this year’s South By Southwest, ShareThis sat down with Nasdaq OMX to discuss the new phenomenon of the "sharing economy. " A Practical Guide to Crowdsourcing. 4 Ways to Crowdsource Product Ideas Using Social Media Contests. Do you want to take your customer engagement to the next level?

Have you used crowdsourcing to gain consumer insight or to choose your next product line? Do you use contests as motivation to get input from your customers? In this article, you’ll discover how crowdsourcing your products through contests on social media will help you deepen customer involvement and increase loyalty. Why Use Crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing is a method of getting ideas, content, support or other types of solutions from a group of people. The term was coined by Wired magazine in 2005. In a nutshell, it is like “outsourcing” solutions to crowds through social media.

You’ve heard of crowdsourcing sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo that allow fans to give financial support in exchange for incentives, so people can complete their projects. Local Motors helps deliver cars exactly as customers want. Applause (formerly uTest) is a tech application testing site that enables crowd beta-testing worldwide. For example: Guide du Marketing Participatif. The B2B2C model. Données ouvertes. Captology.